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December 2024

DISCIPLE Classes 2025

Discipleship & Nurture
Commencing 20 Jan 2025
Onsite & Zoom

For over 32 years, DISCIPLE has set a standard for in-depth Bible study and has transformed the lives of individuals and groups in many parts of the world. The course moves through the biblical story from creation in Genesis to the New Jerusalem in Revelation. There are theme words and verses, key characters, and topics that give participants a clear perspective of the sequence of biblical events that took place. 


Serene Koh, DISCIPLE 1
In my journey through the DISCIPLE 1 class, my faith and relationship with God have been profoundly deepened. As I immersed myself in the Lord’s teachings, I was humbled by the depth of His wisdom and grace. Through the daily readings, I have experienced a transformation in my heart, where God has revealed to me the beauty of living out His Word every day. 

This class has not only strengthened my walk with God but has also reshaped the way I view my purpose in His kingdom. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to grow in faith, humility, and love, and I look forward to continuing this journey of discipleship. 

Goh Poh Keow Helen, DISCIPLE 4
Completing the DISCIPLE 4 course, along with the previous modules, has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. It has not only deepened my understanding of the Bible but has also strengthened my walk with Christ. I have learned the importance of patience, humility, and love, both in my personal life and within the body of Christ. I will certainly encourage my other friends to do it with an open heart and mind. It may not be easy, but it is worth every moment. God is faithful to complete the work He starts in us, and through this journey, He will transform you in ways you never imagined. Completing the DISCIPLE course has deepened my understanding of these truths and inspired me to live them out more fully in my daily life. 


DISCIPLE Bible Study classes are conducted weekly in small groups. Each session begins with a short DVD presentation, followed by discussions between participants, and also their group facilitator. As part of the course, participants receive a study manual and commit to a daily personal Bible reading (minimum 30mins daily) and journaling. 

DISCIPLE 1 (34 sessions) 
The foundational overview – this first DISCIPLE Bible study serves as the basis for all other studies in the DISCIPLE family that follow. Over the course of 34 weeks, DISCIPLE covers the entire Bible (Old and New Testaments), following the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem. 

Monday Group (Zoom)  7.30 to 10.00pm commencing 20 Jan 2025 
Monday Group (Onsite)  7.30 to 10.00pm commencing 20 Jan 2025 
Tuesday Group (Zoom)  7.30 to 10.00pm commencing 21 Jan 2025 


DISCIPLE 2 (32 sessions)
This 32 week study offers a deeper examination of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts, emphasizing the rhythm of coming to God and going for God... approaching all experiences of life as opportunities for faithful witness and service. 

Monday Group (Zoom)  7.30 to 10.00pm commencing 20 Jan 2025 


DISCIPLE 3 (32 sessions)
In the Old Testament Prophets and the Letters of Paul, this 32- week study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find common themes, including the call to remember, the call to repent, the call for renewal and the call for community.

Monday Group (Zoom)  7.30 to 10.00pm commencing 20 Jan 2025 


DISCIPLE 4 (32 sessions) 
The phrase “under the tree of life” conveys the promise of finding shelter, security and rest in God’s love. In this 32 – week study of the Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude and finally, Revelation, participants will see the entire process of living toward final completion of rest and reward.  

Monday Group (Zoom)  7.30 to 10.00pm commencing 20 Jan 2025 


Cost - $30. Limited places available.

Only those who have completed DISCIPLE 1 may register for DISCIPLE 2, 3, or 4. 

It is COMPULSORY to attend the Orientation Session. 

Register below or via this link: https://wesley.sg/disciple

Closing date: 31 Dec 2024 (or when all places have been taken up) 

You can contact Felicia Ong at email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


We are no longer accepting registration for this event

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493