19 | 20

October 2024


Pray Without Ceasing

““One Lord, one faith, one baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all, And through all, and in you all.”” 
Ephesians 4:5-6 (KJV) 

Please note that prayer items will be posted on a three-week cycle. To regulate a flow for other and new prayer requests, repeated prayer items and updates will be featured on alternate cycles after the first. Please send your prayer request via this link or email to Dawn Ng at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1. Surgical intervention done for swelling on KL’s right hand and foot. Pray for:

    • Infection to clear well with antibiotics.

    • Eczema not to be exacerbated by the stress.

    • Ability to have smooth bowel movement.


  1. G is going through struggles in her marriage. Pray for:

    • G to continue to walk in trust and hope in the Lord.

    • Fear to leave her as her confidence and self-worth in Christ arises.

  2. J, 23 years old, already had a few surgeries done on her body. Pray and declare J freed from all past conditions with completeness in Christ.

  3. Thanksgiving that A who has been missing from home has been found. Pray for:

    • Recovery to good health.

    • Family to know the Lord as Savior and receive salvation in the Lord.

  4. AP, in her late 60’s, fell down the steps hitting her cheek and the left side of her body. Praising God for preserving her from fractures and serious injury. Thanksgiving that she has recovered well.

  5. MY’s mother, 85 years old, is still experiencing the aftereffects of Covid and is tired and listless. Pray for mother’s energy and strength to return as she recuperates.

  6. H’s heart to soften for Christ, desiring salvation in the Lord. Strength for his wife the caregiver.

  7. E was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer in April with spread to her lymph node and her bones. Beginning bone treatment with targeted therapy this week. Pray for:

    • Rested dependence on the Lord for peace, mercy and miraculous healing from God.

    • Bone to be strengthened with this treatment.

    • Thanksgiving for support she has received from the Cancer support group.

  8. Localised cancer cells found on WL’s pelvic wall. Praising God for His faithfulness. Pray for:

    • Relief from mild headache, fatigue, dry skin and itchiness.

    • Physical strength to increase daily.

    • Targeted therapy to successfully eradicate cancer cells effectively.

  9. K’s breast cancer has spread to her lungs. Continuing with chemotherapy and new pain meds given. Pray for:

    • Restedness in the Lord’s merciful healing hands and into His peace and trust.

    • Pre-believing loved ones to meet Christ and receive salvation.

    • Her father, Mr Sim to be freed from migraines and to open his heart to God.

  10. CG’s (mother with two young children) cancer markers are stable. Pray for:

    • Victory over peritoneal cancer.

    • Strengthened to care for her family and young ones.

    • To continue to have good memory.

  11. The Lord’s mercy to restore FY as she continues to walk in faith. Pray for:

    • Miracle healing from cancer to take place.

    • Immunity to strengthen miraculously each day.

    • Cancerous lump on her shoulder to shrink in size.


  1. Preachers & Pastors

    Pray for:

    Worship Services

    19 & 20 Oct

    26 & 27 Oct


    Rev Chia Chin Nam

    Hymn & Praise
    (No preaching)


    Prayer & Praise, TSS

    Rev Clement Ong

    Mandarin Ministry

    Ms Alice Hsieh

    Wesley Filipino Fellowship

    Rev Gladwin Lee

    Rev Gladys Grace Caole

    Youth Ministry

    Mr Benedict Tay

    Mr Matthew Peter


  2. Weekend Worship Services

    Pray for:

    • Our love for God to grow with a greater passion for worship, prayer and the Word, knowing that all things come from Him. 

    • Holiness: Pray for the convicting work of the Holy Spirit that we may seek to be holy as God is holy. 

    • Love: Pray that love and concern for one another will grow and for an atmosphere of love that all will know we are His disciples (John 13:35).

    • Preaching of the Word next weekend will be uplifting, inspiring and challenging. 

    • Thanksgiving for the smooth resumption of all on-site services as well as live-streamed online services (9.30am: Traditional and P&P). Also for the Prayer & Praise services at 9.30 and 11.30am in Wesley Hall. 

    • Blessings on YM, BeTween, CM and PSCom as leaders, teachers and students grow in the Lord studying the Word together.

    • Mandarin Ministry and Wesley Filipino Fellowship on site to have attendees blessed and encouraged in their walk with Christ.

    • Thanksgiving many have returned for community worship services. Worshippers to contribute towards a protected environment for all.  

    • Reconnection, unity and a prayerful heart to envelope the congregation as they worship on site or from home. 

  3. Staff

    Thanksgiving for:

    • His protection and grace over the staff team.

    Pray for all staff:

    • To seek growth and excellence in all they do, embrace change, have an open mind, and to faithfully fulfil what they are assigned to do.

    • To have love, unity and submission to God and to one another out of reverence for Christ.

    • To embrace Intentional Discipleship and incorporate this theme in their ministry programmes.

    • Good health and well-being as they seek to balance work, family their ministry programmes.

    • Thank God for their families’ understanding and support, especially those with children who need their time and attention. God’s protection and providence on each family member; that even as they have sown to the Lord, they will reap abundantly.

    • Staff to depend on God for strength in times of difficulties, for peace in times of stress, and patience in times of pressure.

    • Continued protection over staff and volunteers who are keeping the church safe.

    • Understanding and patience from worshippers as duties are being carried out. 

  4. Discipleship and Nurture (D&N)

    AV Centre

    • God's clear direction and wisdom as Library and AV Centre plan to work closely together in serving the church congregation.

    • Volunteers to stay united in spirit and in truth as God leads us into a new phase of serving Him.


    • Volunteers’ physical and spiritual health.

    • Steadfastness and faithfulness in their walk with God.

    • Stay strong in mind and spirit as they continue to dedicate their hands of service.


    • Thanksgiving that library volunteers enjoy worship and fellowship in serving with each other.

    • Praise God for holding the team together, for volunteers willing to step up to take on more responsibilities.

Bible Reading Drive (BRD)

    • Both readers and writers of the daily BRD Reflections are blessed through their participation.

    • The two review teams including reviewers, copy editors and social media members that willingly take responsibility for the never-ending stream of Reflections.

    • Writers will respond to invitations on a timely basis, so there is no last-minute time pressure on the teams.

Companions in Christ (CIC)

    • For more people to be aware of spiritual formation and be drawn closer to God.

    • For more volunteers to serve as facilitators for CIC program.

    • For wisdom and guidance as we plan for Companions in Christ, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Emotionally Healthy Relationship and The Way series classes in 2025.

    • For all facilitators to have good health and stamina as they serve in obedience.

DISCIPLE & Christian Believers

    • The 11 classes that are underway. Please pray for everyone to persevere in their daily study of the word and to allow the Lord's word to transform each one of lives.

    • The 33 volunteers who spend many hours each week preparing and leading the classes. Please pray for God to grant them wisdom and strength as the serve faithfully in the ministry.

Pray for:

    • Pray for volunteers who are willing to lead DISCIPLE and Christian Believer classes in 2025.

    • Pray for the Lord leading on how to adapt the programs to best cater to the congregation next year.


    • Pray for more participants to step up to be trained as Precept Facilitators.

    • With more facilitators, we might consider offering *New Inductive Study Series (NISS).

Creation Care

    • Thank God for the faithful members of the committee and the opportunity to share creation care with Wesley Food Fair Vendors.

    • Thank God for the volunteers and participants of the Creation Care Walks at Fort Canning.

    • Pray for more opportunities to theologically engage Wesleyans on the Biblical Mandate for Creation Care.

    • Pray for more to join in the Creation Care Walks.

Strangely Warmed Retreat (SWR)

    • Prayer for the upcoming SWR coming up from 31 Oct to 2 Nov. Pray that participants will find the presence of God over the retreat and may they their hearts be open and experience a breakthrough in their lives.

    • Pray for all organisers – staff and volunteers that the retreat will go smoothly.

    • Pray for good health for all staff and volunteers.

    • Pray for good food hygiene and may no one come down with any food issues.

    • Pray that all facilities at Changi Cove will have no issues – rooms, sound system, and auditorium.

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493