01 | 02
February 2025
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)
Please note that prayer items will be posted on a three-week cycle. To regulate a flow for other and new prayer requests, repeated prayer items and updates will be featured on alternate cycles after the first. Please send your prayer request to Audree Tan at
Following a fall and requiring an MRI, RS was discovered to have extensive cancer spread to his colon, liver and his spine. Pray for God’s peace for the family and wisdom for doctors to make the right decision for further management and treatment.
Comfort for FC and family as they heal from a recent bereavement in the family. The Lord’s comfort and peace be upon them. Family to come to know Jesus as Lord and saviour.
AL was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Surgery done and revealed spread. Pray for:
AL to cope with treatment intervention.
To continue in faith and claim a miracle healing from Jehovah Rapha.
A was diagnosed with another cancer growth but grateful for a good response to treatment. Pray for:
Comfort and protection as her family surrounds her with love and presence.
Trust and faith to arise with minimum side effect.
RY, 28yo was diagnosed with lymphoma after a lymph node biopsy. Lump found in his lung, Pray for:
God’s mercy and a miracle as he receives chemotherapy.
Thanksgiving for support from cancer overcomers that is sustaining his courage.
D’s mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and has started chemotherapy. Her father has kidney issues. Praising God that her father has been accepted into a day care near his home and D’s mother’s CT scan revealed tumour has shrunk with no spread. Pray for:
God’s mercy to rest on the family.
D to have strength to cope with caregiving and working.
Treatment to continue to be effective.
Parents will come to know Jesus as Lord.
G to find a good lawyer to handle her marital concerns. Pray for:
G to walk in faith and to trust God.
G to come out of fear and anxiety to discover a hope and a future in her life.
To receive her deserved alimony.
Restored relationship with God and R.
Z had a brain bleed. Surgery done and awake. Thanksgiving for subtle improvements noted. Pray for:
A miraculous to take place, with positive outcome and improvement.
God to be her healer and strength for her husband M.
M to be safe as he travels for work.
E was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer in April with spread to her lymph node and her bones. Begun bone treatment with targeted therapy. Pray for:
Rested dependence on the Lord for peace, mercy and a miraculous healing.
Bones to be strengthened with treatment.
CG’s (mother with two young children) has peritoneal cancer and continues with treatments. Pray for strength to care for herself and her family as she claims victory over cancer.
The Lord’s mercy to restore FY as she walks in faith and receives chemotherapy. Pray for:
New chemo drug to be effective.
Immunity to increase as God gives her strength to live each day well.
Cancer lump on shoulder to shrink.
Preachers & Pastors
Pray for:
Worship Services |
1 & 2 Feb |
8 & 9 Feb |
Traditional |
Rev Chia Chin Nam |
Rev Ian Lee |
Rev Raymond Fong |
Rev Lilian Ang |
Prayer & Praise |
Mandarin Ministry |
Rev Lilian Ang |
Ms Alice Hsieh |
Wesley Filipino Fellowship |
Rev Adrian Ng |
Rev Chia Chin Nam |
Youth Ministry |
Rev Raymond Fong |
Mr Matthew Aw |
Weekend Worship Services
Pray for:
Our love for God to grow with a greater passion for worship, prayer and the Word, knowing that all things come from Him.
Holiness: Pray for the convicting work of the Holy Spirit that we may seek to be holy as God is holy.
Love: Pray that love and concern for one another will grow and for an atmosphere of love that all will know we are His disciples (John 13:35).
Preaching of the Word next weekend will be uplifting, inspiring and challenging.
Thanksgiving for the smooth resumption of all on-site services as well as live-streamed online services (9.30am: Traditional and P&P). Also for the Prayer & Praise services at 9.30 and 11.30am in Wesley Hall.
Blessings on YM, BeTween, CM and PSCom as leaders, teachers and students grow in the Lord studying the Word together.
Mandarin Ministry and Wesley Filipino Fellowship on site to have attendees blessed and encouraged in their walk with Christ.
Thanksgiving many have returned for community worship services. Worshippers to contribute towards a protected environment for all.
Reconnection, unity and a prayerful heart to envelope the congregation as they worship on site or from home.
Thanksgiving for:
His protection and grace over the staff team.
Pray for all staff:
To seek growth and excellence in all they do, embrace change, have an open mind, and to faithfully fulfil what they are assigned to do.
To have love, unity and submission to God and to one another out of reverence for Christ.
To embrace Intentional Discipleship and incorporate this theme in their ministry programmes.
Good health and well-being as they seek to balance work, family and personal time.
Thank God for their families’ understanding and support, especially those with children who need their time and attention. God’s protection and providence on each family member; that even as they have sown to the Lord, they will reap abundantly.
Staff to depend on God for strength in times of difficulties, for peace in times of stress, and patience in times of pressure.
Continued protection over staff and volunteers who are keeping the church safe.
Understanding and patience from worshippers as duties are being carried out.
Wesley Synchoronised Prayer (WSP)
Pray for:
Members to join WMC prayer services united in one accord, to pray for matters of concerns and each other.
Wesleyans to pray for themselves, their leaders, church family, building a relationship through worship and seeking God.
Members to recognise the power of prayer as they carry each other's burdens, to fulfil the law of Christ. (Gal 6:2)
God to strengthen and help those who are sick (Isaiah 41:10) as they seek through confession of sins to one another and praying for one another and to be healed. (James 5:16).