13 | 14



Pray Without Ceasing

““Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth; my flesh also shall rest in hope.”
Psalm 16:9 (KJV)

Please note that prayer items will be posted on a three-week cycle. To regulate a flow for other and new prayer requests, repeated prayer items and updates will be featured on alternate cycles after the first. Please send your prayer request via this link or email to Dawn Ng at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  1. Pray for CL as she receives treatment for severe lymphoedema for both legs. The right medication to be administered for swelling to decrease. Diligent and good aftercare upon discharge.


  1. Protection and mercy for C who had surgery to remove a blood clot from her brain. Rehab to help her with quick and smooth recovery. To regain strength from day to day.

  2. Pray for S as she considers commitment to a relationship. To trust God to help her to recover from past experiences and fears. Strength for today and confidence to grow in her self-worth. 

  3. A had pancreatic surgery done. Praising God for His mercy as she is recovering well. Pray for:

    • Faith and trust in our God to restore her and her family to salvation. 

    • Chemotherapy treatment to be effective.

    • Good response to the treatment as her husband supports her.


  4. Localised cancer cells found on WL’s pelvic wall. Praising God for His faithfulness and His mercy and being able to go back to work. Pray for: 

    • Treatment to be effective with diminished side effects.

    • To regain her strength day by day

    • To eat better and overcome poor appetite and fatigue.

  5. K’s breast cancer has spread to her lungs with pleurisy present. She suffers from body aches and pain and gastritis. Pray for:

    • Chemotherapy treatment to yield effectiveness.

    • Relieve of body aches and shoulder pain.

    • Water in lungs to diminish and dry up. 

    • Good rest and sleep every night that is free from nightmares.
  6. CG’s (mother with two young children) cancer markers have come down with new chemo intervention. Pray for peritoneal cancer to stop producing liquid. Draining of abdominal ascites done. Pray for: 

    • God’s strength to live each day well.

    • Strong relationships with her family and miracle healing from our Lord.

    • Ascites and leg swelling to decrease.

    • Blood haemoglobin levels to increase. 

  7. The Lord’s mercy to restore FY as she continues to walk in faith even though the cancer has metastasised. Thanksgiving for the joy of the Lord and her positive fighting spirit and her faithful volunteering in church. Pray for new chemo drug to stop the spread and her immunity to strengthen miraculously each day. 



  1. Preachers & Pastors

    Pray for:

    Worship Services

    13 & 14 July

    20 & 21 July


    Rev Raymond Fong

    Mr Michael Chan 

    Prayer & Praise, TSS

    Rev Benjamin Lau

    Ms Rebecca Yong 

    Mandarin Ministry

    Ms Mah Seok Eng 

    Dr Lydia Sha 

    Wesley Filipino Fellowship

    Rev Lim Jen Huat

    Rev Gladys Caole 

    Youth Ministry

    Rev Raymond Fong/Rev Benjamin Lau 

    Mr Michael Chan 


  2. Weekend Worship Services Pray for:

    • Our love for God to grow with a greater passion for worship, prayer and the Word, knowing that all things come from Him. 

    • Holiness: Pray for the convicting work of the Holy Spirit that we may seek to be holy as God is holy. 

    • Love: Pray that love and concern for one another will grow and for an atmosphere of love that all will know we are His disciples (John 13:35).

    • Preaching of the Word next weekend will be uplifting, inspiring and challenging. 

    • Thanksgiving for the smooth resumption of all on-site services as well as live-streamed online services (9.30am: Traditional and P&P). Also for the Prayer & Praise services at 9.30 and 11.30am in Wesley Hall. 
    • Blessings on YM, BeTween, CM and PS Com as leaders, teachers and students grow in the Lord studying the Word together.

    • Mandarin Ministry and Wesley Filipino Fellowship on site to have attendees blessed and encouraged in their walk with Christ.

    • Thanksgiving many have returned for community worship services. Worshippers to contribute towards a protected environment for all.  

    • Reconnection, unity and a prayerful heart to envelope the congregation as they worship on site or from home. 

  3. Staff

    Thanksgiving for:

    • His protection and grace over the staff team.

    Pray for all staff:

    • To seek growth and excellence in all they do, embrace change, have an open mind, and to faithfully fulfil what they are assigned to do.

    • To have love, unity and submission to God and to one another out of reverence for Christ.

    • To embrace Intentional Discipleship and incorporate this theme in their ministry programmes.

    • Good health and well-being as they seek to balance work, family their ministry programmes.

    • Thank God for their families’ understanding and support, especially those with children who need their time and attention. God’s protection and providence on each family member; that even as they have sown to the Lord, they will reap abundantly.

    • Staff to depend on God for strength in times of difficulties, for peace in times of stress, and patience in times of pressure. 

    • Continued protection over staff and volunteers who are keeping the church safe.

    • Understanding and patience from worshippers as duties are being carried out. 

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493