Whistleblowing Policy

Wesley Methodist Church (WMC) Whistleblowing Policy provides an avenue for Wesley’s stakeholders, including members, volunteers and employees, to report serious wrongdoing or concerns, particularly in relation to fraud, controls or ethics, without fear of reprisals when done in good faith. We ensure independent investigation of the concerns raised and appropriate actions to be taken.

All concerns raised will be independently, fairly and properly assessed. The whistleblower’s identity and the concerns raised will be kept confidential unless required by the law to be revealed to parties such as lawyers, the police or investigators. 

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a copy of the full Whistleblowing Policy.

Reporting Channels

Via Written Letter to:

Whistleblowing Policy
Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493

Via Email to:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

© 2020 Wesley Methodist Church