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October 2024

Explore Opportunities To Serve

It’s about our availability, not our ability

As we volunteer to serve, we will soon realise that it is not about our abilities but God’s enabling power in and through us. As our Lord Jesus said in John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

We need the empowering of the Holy Spirit when we serve. When God calls, he does not just look at our ability; he looks first at our availability. God is asking if we are first willing, not if we are able: “Just do the best with whatever gifts God has blessed you with, and let God do the rest. God can do much through people like us who willingly turn ourselves and whatever gifts we have to serve him”.

Rev Raymond Fong, Pastor-in-Charge

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493