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December 2024

Discipleship Through Songs

Starting 3 February 2025 (Mon)
via Zoom

First Mondays 8pm,
Onsite and Zoom

Starting 3 February 2025

Songs play an important role in our Christian discipleship.

We will take time during each session to reflect on the text of a set of curated songs related to the themes of laments, healing, and justice, and allow the truths to shape our faith.

Main Facilitator: Ms Wong Ee Hwee currently serves as the pastoral team member overseeing the traditional services at Wesley Methodist Church. Her current mission is to equip and edify the church through curated congregational songs, liturgy, and community.

Register below or at https://wesley.sg/DTS

A program by the Worship and Music Ministry.

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493