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Sermon Series - Nehemiah Rebuild and Renew

Starting in August

The sermon series on the book of Nehemiah begins in August 2024! 

Over 10 weeks from August to early October, in line with our directions for this year for Discipleship in the Workplace, we’ll explore how to rebuild what is good and godly in our lives and renew ourselves through God’s Word. 

Be engaged through the following ways: 

  1. Do a book study on Nehemiah as a Small Group 
  2. Join new Study Groups meeting on Friday afternoons via Zoom or Saturdays evenings in church 
  3. Invite someone to join you at our sermon series services onsite or online 
  4. Attend 2 Mid-Week Teaching Sessions :
    1. “Overview of Nehemiah” on 1 Aug
    2. “Lessons from Ancient Israel” on 10 Oct 

Let’s grow together as intentional disciples of Christ! 

For more details, visit the Nehemiah Sermon Series page online:  https://wesley.sg/nehemiahsermonseries

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493