31 | 01

Aug    Sep

31 | 01

Aug         Sep

WWCSG - Share & Pray

Womens Cancer Support Group
7 September 2024 (Sat) 2:30pm – 4:30pm
Plaza Hall, Prayer Room

Wesley Women’s Cancer Support Group invites all women cancer patients, survivors and their caregivers.

(Share & Pray)

DATE: 7 Sep (Sat) | TIME: 2.30–4.30pm
VENUE: Plaza Hall, Prayer Room

Let’s connect to S&P.

Coming together for a time of worship, caring, sharing & praying, inviting Jesus to be the centre of our lives, and supporting each other on our journey to recovery and good health with prayers and presence.

Please note that this programme is ONLY open to women cancer patients, survivors and their caregivers.

Let us rejoice that Jesus has come to heal the broken-hearted and bind up our wounds.

If you know of anyone who is newly diagnosed or is undergoing treatment, please invite them to join us.

Registration is REQUIRED.
Please invite them to register below or at https://wesley.sg/WWCSG 

Email Evelyn Chua at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Thurs, 5 Sep 2024

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493