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Pray for our Missioners/ Missionaries...

1. Leow Theng Huat

Pray for:

    • Wisdom, strength and guidance for Theng Huat to fulfil his teaching, preaching, mentoring and administrative responsibilities.
    • His guidance upon Theng Huat to know how best to bless the church and college with his ideas, proposals and contribution.
    • Blessings upon Theng Huat's parents and parents-in-law with good health, safety, joy and peace.
    • His guidance upon Cheng Ping (Theng Huat's wife) and their children in their work and studies.
    • Theng Huat to have a good period of rest and recreation during the holiday period.

2. Tan Chew Suan – Serving with Singapore Youth for Christ

Thanksgiving for:

    • Thank God for the opportunity to facilitate as host for a group of boys in This Connected Carnival. Pray that though at this point, they don't see the need for a Saviour, may God bring the gospel seed to be planted to fruition in His own good timing.

Pray for:

    • A fruitful discussion and training for next year's Girls' Brigade drills competition. 

    • God's wisdom and insight to give useful feedback for some trainee teachers' bible teaching scripts.

3. Asholi and Puii Akamu – Serving in Thailand

Pray for:

    • For Mr L, to be equipped as a good leader and a good shepherd to new believers. 

    • Church leaders and Pastors of ACT churches in Thailand will serve the Lord and their members with love. 

4. Couple – CN

Thanksgiving for:

    • His enabling and provision for fruitful ministry over the last six over years in East Asia.

Pray for:

    • Rest and refreshment as they go on sabbatical for five months.

    • God’s continued protection over their parents’ health and for her father and older brother’s family to turn back to Christ.

5. Joel Choong – Serving with Singapore Youth for Christ


    • Thank God for a safe and blessed trip to Melbourne. Many opportunities were present and God continued to inspire the team. 

Pray for:

    • Pray for applications to creative fairs later in the year. Pray for opportunities for students to get involved directly. 

6. Stella and Phil Carter – Serving with Cru Asia

Thanksgiving for:

    • Thank God that the X-ray and MRI results confirmed that the lump behind Stella's right knee is osteoarthritis and not Baker's cyst (no surgery was required). 

Pray for:

    • God’s protection and good health for Phil’s 73-yr-old brother who was diagnosed with early-stage prostate cancer and skin cancer. 

    • Salvation for her 90-year old mother, for her short-term memory loss to slow down and also thankful her dementia has stabilised. May she continue to get along well with her helper and for helper to take good care of her.

7. Mark Suredhran – Serving with Cru Singapore

Pray for:

    • Mark to be able to manage work and health needs well especially in this coming quarter.

    • Mark’s continued strength and fruitful ministry.

8. Amos Ang – Serving with Cru Asia

Pray for:

    • Wisdom and strength to carry out his roles and responsibilities locally.

    • Discernment for staff care and development for other teams he is overseeing.

    • Strength and stamina for his mum as she is the main caregiver for dad after his recent heart-attack.

    • His son, Josiah, as he prepares to be enlisted in July.

9. Karen Hor – Serving with Cru Asia

Pray for:

    • Good family time and spiritual/physical preparation for her son, Josiah, enlisting in the army in July. Thankful for  his recent graduation from Poly.

10. Joyce Ho – Serving with Cru Asia

Pray for:

    • God’s leading as she works with her team leader, to kickstart their TSP Alumni.
    • The TSP event on August 24 that all those who come will be blessed as they learned how God has caused TSP to grow and touch lives.

11. Susan Lee – Serving with Cru Asia


    • Thank God for the finalisation of the curriculum for their Mentoring Program for artists; continue to pray for wisdom as they confirm the mentors. 

Pray for:

    • Thank God for encouraging results for all the health tests/scans done in May; pray for a smooth operation and recovery from cataract surgery on her right eye on 4 Jul. 

12. Chelsea Koh – Serving Fellowship Singapore


    • M’s success in overcoming temptation to drug abuse upon release. He and his family have started worshipping in the church where he receives aftercare support. 

Pray for:

    • Pray for more sponsors and supporters for the “Angel Tree Run” fund raising event on Sat, 6 Jul 2024.

    • More registrations for the Prison Ministry Conference on Sat, 27 Jul 2024. 

    • Wisdom in planning an outing for the Family Care Ministry beneficiaries in August 2024 to foster family bonding and broaden their community circle. 

13. Jason Huang (TTC)

Pray for:

    • God to prepare his heart for pastoral training in the field setting as the new semester begins.

    • Wisdom to be more sensitive in managing relationships and expectations.

    • God’s grace to bring breakthroughs in theological learning and training.

    • Good health and protection over his wife, Clarissa and son, Reuben.

14. Angeline Lee (SBC)

Thanksgiving for:

      • For completing her first year.

Pray for:

      • God's grace and strength as she prepares for the rigor of the new school term which starts in July.

      • Ability to juggle between school and home commitments, and new role in the Student Missions Fellowship (SMF) Committee in this new academic year.

      • Understanding of the word of God and the building and molding of her character.

      • Providence for the family, protection, and health over husband and three boys.

15. Jonathan & Phoebe Kong – Serving with OMF

Pray for:

      • Smooth transition as they have moved from Lopburi to their future ministry location at Nakhon Sawan Province in late-June.

      • Steadfastness in the Lord among the five believers at Takhro church. For the hearts of the people in the community to be open to the gospel.

      • For the couple to have clarity and God to lead them in their ministry direction.

      • Continual healing of Phoebe's father as he has transited from the hospital into a daycare centre. Thank God for how He is opening the heart of Phoebe’s dad to learn more about Jesus. May the seeds which have been sown bring him to the saving grace of Jesus. For strength for Phoebe's family back home, especially her mother and younger sister who are taking on the load of caregiving.

16. Stanley and Lucy Ong

Thanksgiving for:

    • For the Lord's guidance, healing and protection the Ongs experienced in the first term of the school year.

Pray for:

    • The health and well-being of the ladies serving in the local church's ministry of making and distributing packed-meals.

    • The salvation of the children and mothers who attend the monthly kids' club.

    • Pray for Stanley as he works with his ex- Japanese language teacher in the checking of his sermon.

17. André and Cathy De Winne – (Serving with a Church, in Brugge, Belgium)

Pray for:

    • Strength and help in winding down their ministry in Bruges; also to empty an entire house before they leave in August.

    • Good health for both Cathy and André.

    • Safety on the road in their remaining travels in Europe.

18. More Wesley's Missionaries to be raised and sent out into the field

Luke 10:2 The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.

Pray for:

    • God's spirit to stir up the hearts of Wesleyans to be missional and obedient to the Great Commission.

    • More Wesleyans will hear His clarion call to be missionaries in the harvest fields overseas.

    • Wisdom, grace, and clarity as they discern their calling and choose to bring the gospel to the least-reached people groups or hard places.

    • That God will grant them the assurance of peace to remove their fears, anxieties and concerns for their loved ones as He equips them for the field.

    • Boldness and courage to take the next step to prepare well for the ministry which they are called in the harvest fields.

    • God's leading and wisdom to mobilise a great missionary movement from Wesley to reach the least, the lost and the last.

Field Development:


19. Functional English Centre (FEC) in Siem Reap

  • For the students and their families awaiting relocation from the authorities to have sufficient time and resources for the move.

  • Praise God for sending new students even though relocation of the villages has started.

  • Favour for the Ath family to rent a place near FEC until their baby is born and they relocate thereafter.

  • Strength for Pastor A and his family as they face challenges commuting between their new home and FEC which is 20 km apart; for God’s provision to complete the building of his unfinished house.

  • Good health and strength for all the teachers in FEC as they continue to disciple the youth.


20. Pathway Fellowship in Siem Reap

  • Pray for the Lord to continue growing the ministry and strengthening those who have opened their hearts and minds to Him; pray for the Pathway team as they follow up with people who have responded to the Lord.

  • Thank God for a growing children’s ministry in the churches and preaching points. Pray for support for the ministry team as they seek to serve in this area.

  • For good follow-up and spiritual growth of the children who came to know Christ during village outreach.

  • Wisdom and strength for the teachers at Mustard Seed School (MSS).

  • God’s guidance and provision as MSS and the church that worships there need to relocate to a new place.

  • God’s provision, leading and continued open doors in medical ministry.

21. Wesley Phnom Penh Hostel (WPPH)

  • For former hostel students who have gone on to university to do well in their higher education. Praise the Lord for some who continued engaging the church community; pray for more to do so

  • For the Lord to guide the curriculum preparation and recruitment of new teachers for the English Corner Programme.

  • Pray for God's empowerment upon the pastors to sow seeds and for more students to open their hearts to receive Jesus into their lives. May the youths who have received Him grow deeper in their faith and relationship with God..


22. Batam & Bintan

  • Sustaining strength and wisdom for teachers to plan for the lessons and engage the students effectively. The students to learn effectively and to be diligent in their studies.

  • Pray for the students to be nurtured in godly values and to develop godly character.

  • Protection and good health for the pastors and leaders of GPI churches; wisdom and anointing to provide leadership and pastoral care.

  • More opportunities to reach out to the community through visitations.

  • Steadfastness for the congregation in their faith and spiritual growth.

  • Diligence for those who participated in a sewing workshop in developing their skills.

  • Wisdom in planning mission trips to Batam and Bintan to support the ministry at the school (English teaching and teacher’s training), and community outreach for families and children (churches).

23. Medan

  • Pray for the children and youth to grow in their faith and discipleship.

  • For the ministry workers to be used by God to bless the children, preteens and youth.

  • For the youth starting their university education to develop in character and find guidance regarding choosing their careers.

  • Students receiving scholarships to focus well in their studies.

  • Good follow-up & nurturing of faith for new believers & future youth leaders of the ministry.

  • All workers with our mission partner in Medan to keep up the spirit of serving God with love and humility..

24. Laos

  • Wisdom upon the nation’s leaders to find ways to cope with the financial crisis and help the poor who are struggling with inflation and the high cost of living.

  • Protection, courage and good health for God’s people especially those living in rural areas.

  • Wisdom, sustaining strength, favour and perseverance for God’s workers serving the least, the lost and the last.

  • Open hearts and responsiveness to the good news by the locals..


25. Acts Church

  • The Lord’s provision upon Acts Church, the children’s home and 2 church plants (with a 3rd plant in the works).

  • A piece of land for the permanent housing of the children in the children’s home.

  • Praise the Lord that the children’s home has relocated to a new rental premise. May the Lord continue to grant them favour with the community and the landlord.

  • Pray for the pastor and his wife as they are expecting a third child and have some minor complications in the pregnancy.

  • Safety and sufficient food for the people in this country.

26. Blessing Centre

  • For peace and stability to be restored and maintained.

  • For efforts by the local government together with faith leaders and organisations like World Vision to be strengthened to alleviate issues concerning livelihoods and food security as people rebuild their lives.

  • For the safety of the WV team on the ground, Win and Zechariah amongst others; for resilience and strength to continue the good work that they are already doing..


27. Payatas Zone 1 

  • Wisdom for church and community leaders in selecting the right livelihood projects for various local villages.

  • For New Hope Antioch Church’s prison ministry to transform lives; good health and strength for pastor VP. 

  • Thank God for new believers in Pinagpala Christian Community Church’s outreach points; for more pre-believing families to be reached and more church members to serve as the ministry expands.

  • For a safe and suitable venue for Promised Land Christian Church’s new outreach point at a location that floods often; for God’s provision for various ministry needs of the church

  • Thank God for regular attendance of youth and adult members at Jesus The Mediator Church; pray for spiritual healing and good family relationships for church members and a job opening for AB.

28. High Praise Church (HPC)

  • Praise God for providing a rental space for HPC Mabuhay for Sunday worship.

  • For the children to attend weekly Good News Club programs to grow in their knowledge of Christ.

  • For the availability and faithful commitment of HPC leaders and youth leaders in running these programs.

  • For a new church plant at Sto Tomas to make an impact in the community; good health and safety of HPC leaders and volunteers who make weekly trips there..

South Asia

29. Community at Tea Plantation

  • Wisdom and discernment for Pastor L to continue prayer mobilisation and discipleship training.

  • Teachers and students, as they come and continue to learn from the skills training provided and their lives to be transformed.

  • Wisdom upon country team and favour with local authorities for their ministry to move forward.

30. Slum Village Churches

  • BLH*: Pray for the school to flourish for Christ and for scholarships for all the needy children.

  • Wisdom and God’s direction to run the counselling centre; plans to open a cafe as a meeting place for those needing rehab.

  • Wisdom and grace for Pastor D and family.

  • SMG*: Pray for protection and direction for the church and village as the government is making plans to relocate the people to build a park.

  • Pray for the physical needs in the church e.g. music system, carpets, etc.

  • Wisdom and strength for Pastor ST as he leads.

  • TPL*: Wisdom, favour and provision as the government is asking the church to shift (the church is very near the river).

  • Pray for the new branch church at HT* among the PA people group. May God raise up new and faithful disciples.

  • TPR*: Praise God for the eight people who were baptised.

  • For deepened spiritual growth, especially for the new believers and for more to follow Christ.

  • For good support for Pastor SS and for God’s protection on his family.

  • Pray for Pastor B as he leads the flock.

  • General: Pray for political stability, wisdom upon leaders and economic recovery; for good foreign relations

  • Protection from monsoon-related diseases especially among the poor

  • For more youths to be able to access education and protection against social ills.

[*acronyms for slum areas where the churches are situated]

31. Nepal

  • Pray for the RB people group, who live in poverty, illiteracy, and are underprivileged; for the Good News to reach them that would bring hope, freedom and peace in their life.

  • Praise God for media home groups who have been effective in reaching out in Nepal; pray for the Lord’s provision for these ministries.


32. Nong Bua Lamphu

  • For the Lord to continue to minister to the youths to receive His truths and promises and grow in their faith.

  • For ongoing online English lessons and GYM Isaan Fellowship led by Wesley volunteers to continue to serve the needs of NBLPMC members and their invited friends; for more volunteers to come on board to teach English.

  • For friendships built at Nongsan to be strengthened and for the people there to come to know Christ personally.

  • Strength and wisdom for Pastor K to juggle multiple roles and lead the church.

  • Discipline and discernment for the youths when it comes to using their digital devices.

  • Healing for members of the congregation who are ill and struggling with family issues.

33. Phrao

  • For the children at the outreach centre at LK to know God more and progress in their studies; for a church to be built at LK in the future.

  • Outreach at KP and MS villages to bear fruit for God; more children to join the activities there.

  • The Lord’s provision for a full-time worker at LK and a more convenient location to run the program there.

  • For God to touch the lives of families with children and the elderly who are ill and homebound as the church reaches out to them.

  • Good health & protection for Pastor D and his family.

34. Khek Noi and Chiangmai

  • For more labourers to join our missions partner; recruitment has been slow over the past few months as travel restrictions ease & tourism related business are on a hiring spree.

  • For the children residing at the two centres to experience the love of Christ and be renewed in hope of a better future; for those baptised recently to grow in Christ and to always fix their eyes on Jesus in all circumstances.

  • For our partner’s Thai staff team to have strength & be pointed to God.

35. Timor Leste

  • For volunteers who are willing to serve 1-2 years as house parents in Sundermeier Home and Dunamis House, and to mentor home-grown leaders to take over the role of house parents.

  • For organisations and individuals with business or entrepreneurship expertise to come alongside and mentor Timorese in basic business skills.

  • The missionaries, teachers and staff to be empowered to nurture this generation of youth to be a light and blessing to their community and the nations beyond.

  • Thank God for the completion of 3 key buildings in the SPMS Development Project in January that can now be used by 795 students in the new school term. Pray for the remaining construction of the admin block and 2 hostel blocks to be completed soon.

36. Wesley Youths in Missions

  • For God to nurture a heart for missions amongst our youths, and raise a generation of missions-minded youths in Wesley YM with a desire to serve Him.

  • For God to lead our youths and youth leaders as we seek to learn more about missions.

  • For God to bring more youth mission trip leaders and trippers to serve Him in the mission fields as YM starts to ramp up missions activities.

  • For wisdom and love for the youth missions leaders as they reconnect with various mission fields after the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • For our upcoming youth mission trips to be God-led and for our youth trippers to be good witnesses for God.

Wesley Methodist Church
5 Fort Canning Road
Singapore 179493