Early in 1885, Rev William F. Oldham was appointed to head the work of the Methodist Church in Singapore. He arrived with Dr James Thoburn and together they conducted a series of evangelistic rallies. These rallies were held in the Town Hall (later to be the Victoria Memorial Hall). It was here that the first Methodist Church in Singapore was established. The Church met weekly in the Town Hall until December 1886 when it moved to a building in Coleman Street (later to become the Anglo-Chinese Primary School's hall). The Church was then known as The English Church.
In early 1907, Sir John Anderson, the governor of Singapore, granted a piece of land at Fort Canning (today's site) for a Church to be erected. This was in recognition of the Church's contributions in the fields of missions and education. Under the leadership of Rev A. J. Amery, the new building at Fort Canning was completed and named The Wesley Methodist Church. The governor was so interested in the construction of the Church that he personally laid its cornerstone!
Wesley's growth was interrupted during the war years. Her building was stripped and used as an ammunition depot. The only items belonging to the Church which survived the war was a badly damaged Hammond organ, the lectern, the marble baptismal font and the stained glass windows. The Church was rededicated on Easter Day 1948. God has continued to bless Wesley in special ways, particularly with an increase in membership and ministry.
In 1977, major renovations were carried out to meet Wesley's expanding ministry and growth. This has not proven to be adequate and another extension project was embarked on in 1988 to keep pace with the rapid increase in membership and ministry.
All in all, we give thanks to God for His blessings, guidance and empowerment that built on the foundations of faith, wisdom, commitment and vision of our predecessors, we at Wesley may look ahead with confidence and in love to the continuing work of God.
Milestones of Grace
![]() Methodist Mission in Singapore was founded. Rev William Fritjames Oldham was appointed to head the work of the Methodist Church in Malaya. He arrived with Dr & Mrs James Thoburn and Miss Julia Battie. Weekly prayer meetings by the Oldhams held in a house in Wilkie Road. First Methodist Chapel built in Coleman Street. ![]() 8 February: First Methodist service of South-East Asia in the Town Hall (known today as Victoria Concert Hall) held. Dr Thoburn preached from Zechariah 4:6, “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord”. Regular services were held three times a week at the Town Hall and the Christian Institute which became the centre of Methodist work for a time. About 150 people attended. 13 February: Second Methodist meeting held at the Christian Institute. Some 15 probationary members of the first Methodist Church in Malaya were introduced. |
The Methodist Church started a school (later to be known as Anglo-Chinese School). |
A publishing house was set up in Selegie Road. It was named “The Amelia Bishop Press” after its donor. (Later known as the Methodist Publishing House, later as MPH.) |
The Coleman Steet Church underwent renovations. |
The Coleman Street Church went modern - old kerosene lamps were exchanged for new Welsbach gas burners. |
Coleman Street Church hit a high note in the acquisition of a new organ. |
The Methodist Hymnal was adopted for use in worship services. |
The church at Coleman Street was sold to the expanding Anglo-Chinese School and the congregation moved, once again, to the Town Hall and the Short Street School for its services until the new church building was ready. The final plans were passed in August and construction began in October. ![]() Singapore Government granted site of 38,000 sq ft at Fort Canning to build a new Church "for the English-speaking Methodist congregation". This was in appreciation of the Methodist Church’s work in missions and education. This generous gift of the ample and choice hillside site “on the Tanglin side of the Museum” marked the end of one chapter of the history of the church, which when relocated on Canning Rise, would henceforth be known by another name. July: Final services were held at Coleman Street. ![]() 12 December: the cornerstone of new church building laid in wet weather by HE the Governor, Sir John Anderson. The English Episcopal Church was to be called Wesley Church upon its completion. The architect was Mr D Mcleod and the contractor was Mr Seah Tee. |
The church building and manse were finally completed at the end of 1908. There it stood, a red brick building with its elegant tower in the English 14th century style, flanked by brilliant flame trees amidst the verdant green of the historic hillside. The very first service was held on Christmas morning. The church doors were punctually opened at 8.30am by Mrs John Polglase on behalf of the congregation. Thereafter, the Doxology was sung before the congregation took their seats. |
4 February: The formal dedication of the English Church was led by Bishop William Oldham. |
Two memorial tablets were erected in memory of Merrill G Miller and Otto A Carlson in the west transept. The Church became known as Wesley Methodist Church. |
Electric fans and lights installed.
Rev & Mrs Oechsli and their two-year old daughter arrived to take over pastoral-ship from W H B Urch. |
May: A boy’s organisation known as the “Knights of the Holy Grail” was formed in connection with the Sunday School. There were 23 members. |
Rev T C Maxwell, pastor of Wesley Church resigns. Rev A J Amery & W T Cherry helped conducted Sunday services and administered the overall running of the church. |
28 August: Rev C E Holman appointed pastor.
10 May: Renovation of parsonage. 2 October: A ladies society was started. |
January/February: The Junior Epworth League was organised. This is the rallying point for Methodist youth, and was later renamed the “Methodist Youth Fellowship” after the war. First session of the Central Conference in Southeast Asia held at Wesley Methodist Church. |
Plans to add a social hall adjacent to the church were fulfilled and the Wesley Hall as it was named, was used for meetings, conferences and variety concerts. |
April 10: Wesley Church Hall dedicated.
The Church Hall erected and the morning service started by Rev H B Amstutz in May. |
Women's Conference held its first meeting in Wesley Church Hall.
Dedication of memorial lamps donated in honour of various persons. The service was conducted by Rev H B Amstutz. |
Series of 40 evangelical meetings was held by Dr. John Sung, turning back the tide on a growing trend of liberal theology. Chancel floor retiled. Old communion rails replaced in memory of Mrs O C Smalley, wife of the church treasurer. Teak pulpit and lectern donated by Mr Harry Bailey and new choir stalls were installed. |
1 July: The church newsletter, “The Wesley Tidings” launched, together with the monthly radio transmissions of Sunday evening services. |
Bishop W F Oldham called home. 5 November: The ladies Aid Annual Bazaar. |
Rev W H Meyers was appointed as Associate Pastor. 24 September: Wesley Sunday School annual picnic was held. |
1 July: The Bible on the lectern believed to be the largest sold by British & Foreign Bible Society donated by Mr F C Sands. The pastor, Rev Amstutz became editor of the Malaya Message. |
29 March: The Epworth League held a variety concert at the Wesley Hall. 14 April: The evening service was broadcasted over radio. May: Rev Tyler Thompson took over editor of the ‘Tidings’ from Rev H B Amstutz. Membership stood at 227, and within the next year increased by 20 percent, partly accounted for by the increasing military presence. The church’s full programme had to be curtailed. No evening services or programmes were held. The popular evening service at 6.00pm was rescheduled for 4.30pm to allow sufficient time for the congregation to return home before dark. 20 July: The Sunday School Picnic held at the Garden Club at East Coast Road. 28 July: Children’s Day observed at Wesley Hall. 18 August: Former associate pastor (from 1934 - 1937), Rev W S Reinoehl preached at the evening service. 26 - 27 October: Wesley Epworth League Rally was held. 8 December: The evening service was broadcasted over radio. |
23 February: Wesley Fellowship was started to cater for the young men of the church. April: New choir stalls, screens, wainscoting and flowers stands were installed. 18 May: Wesley Epworth League celebrated their 51st anniversary. Theme: "Send Out Thy Light". 23 May: Pair of brass candelabra presented to the church by the young people of Wheatland Avenue Methodist Church of Logansport, Indiana here first used during the First Century Fellowship Meeting of the Epworth League. 1 July: "Tidings" 5th anniversary. 12 July: Annual Sunday School picnic held at Garden Club on East Coast Road. 12 October: Rev William Cherry, former pastor passed away in Ridley Park, Ohio. 10 - 13 December: The 50th session of the Malaya Annual Conference of the Methodist Church was held in Wesley. |
February 8: Last pre-war service held at the Church with Rev Tyler Thompson preaching. Church premises were taken over by the Australian forces and used as an ammunition depot during the War. The pastor, Dr H B Amstutz and Rev Tyler Thompson was interned for 3 years. |
12 September: The Japanese surrender - congregation at Wesley is reformed. The building was left in a terrible state. The Rev H B Amstutz managed to retrieve and reinstall some of the church furniture, the Hammond organ and the stained glass windows. Donated furnishings such as a communion table and rail, a pulpit, fans and electric lights, benches and old chairs were given to help restore the building to some of its former beauty. October: Rev T Thompson left Singapore. Dr H B Armstutz was left to continue his work of restoration with the help of co-pastor, J E Christian. Later under the leadership of Rev & Mrs Waldo Reinoehl, all the work of restoration of the church was completed. |
Paul and Sylvia Thomas back in Singapore and helped built up a 50-strong evening choir mostly made up of military personnel. The 10.00am choir was led by Miss Faith Goh and its members comprised of girls from the Methodist Girls School. 20 August: A combined Malaya Annual Conference was held in Wesley. |
The congregation changed from a European-Eurasian predominance to a Chinese one. 16 May (Easter): Church buildings are rededicated after refurbishing is completed. 30 May: The 6th Company of Girls’ Life Brigade enrolled 18 girls at Wesley, and five officers were commissioned. 18 June: Wesley MYF organised an “International Campfire” at ACS. Some 300 youths attended. |
The Guild was revived.
Rev T K Jones Jr appointed pastor. May: Manse at Fort Canning was purchased from the Methodist Mission. |
2 April: Stainer’s “The Crucifixion” was presented by the wesley evening and morning choirs and the YMCA choir. Mr Andrew Lee conducted. May: Ten new pews installed in the sanctuary. 2 June: Coronation Day. A special worship service held for the Queen. November: The Young Adults’ Fellowship was formed. |
Rev R Butler-White appointed associate pastor. Senior Fellowship was formed. The Homemakers was started. Parish meetings were revived. 1 October: WSCS Annual Bazaar held. 21 November: Wesley’s Methodist Adult Fellowship was formed. |
Regular prison visitations were made. August: New morning service (7.30 am) service introduced. October: Wesley service broadcasted over radio. Rev Ronald Butler-White preached. November/December: Renovations. The Church had a new coat of paint and new roadway. An “Upper Room” was built for the pastor in the church tower. |
Rev C S Wilder appointed pastor. Dr H B Amstutz became Bishop. Wesley had its first Asian assistant pastor, Yap Kim Hao. September: Building Extension Fund project launched. Architects - Messrs Palmer and Turner. 16 December: Evening service broadcasted over radio. |
The Church celebrated Golden Jubilee. The Church has a full-time associate pastor, Rev Yap Kim Hao. Pang Seng Road manse purchased. "Fiesta" was organised for fund raising for the new educational wing. 1 January: World Wide Prayer Year observed. 6 April: Food and Fun Fair held. 29 November: Methodist Youth Fellowship worship centre dedicated. 8 December: Bishop Hobart B Amstutz laid cornerstone for new Education Wing. 12 December: Foundation stone laid by Bishop H B Amstutz for new extension |
Rev Oscar Guinn Jr appointed pastor. Work commenced on the new extension. Church membership topped the 1,000 mark. |
Rev D C Dutton appointed associate pastor. Rural West Sunday School started. 26 April: Bishop Amstutz dedicated the new church hall and educational block. July: Wesley Camera Circle formed. 18 - 19 Dec: Wesley Church Hall was the venue for the Church Union Conference. New RCA Amplifier System installed in the Wesley Tower. |
Rev Gunnar J Teilmann Jr appointed senior pastor. Rev Lim Teng Huat & Kenneth Lau appointed associate pastor. First photographic exhibition held in Wesley Hall. 2 July: Thanksgiving supper held at ACS Auditorium. |
Prayer calendar introduced. Miss Betty Kwan was appointed the first full-time Christian education staff also a first for Malayan Methodism. May: The Dawnbreakers (7.30am choir) was formed. Miss Roberta Ho was the choir’s first conductor. |
Future Plans Committee formed. Sermons on Tapes launched. July: Commission on Evangelism at Wesley launched a series of sustained evangelistic meetings. October: Membership directory published. |
Wesley Newsletter went monthly. Hearing aid system installed in the Sanctuary. 24 March: Bishop Roy H Short, Secretary of the Council of Bishops of the Methodist Church preached Wesley. October: The Intermediate Sunday School inaugurated. November: Stage in church hall renovated. |
Rev R F Lundy elected Bishop. 20 - 23 April: Wesley Choir toured Malaya, accompanied by Dr. Aw Swee Eng who delivered the evangelistic messages. 31 May: First Sunday School Rally held. November: Organ Fund launched. 25 December: The evening Christmas service broadcasted over Radio Singapura. |
Rev Christopher Smith appointed senior pastor. The Selegie House Sunday School started. 25 September: First joint parade and display by the 3rd Coy BB & 6th Coy GLB. 27 September: The Wesley Singers, male voices from the Dawnbreakers performed over Television Singapura. |
Rev Michael Wong appointed associate pastor. New manse purchased at Draycott Drive. New Conn Classic organ ordered for the Sanctuary, replacing the old organ installed in 1936. The Counselling Centre co-sponsored by St Andrew’s Cathedral started by Rev Gunnar J Teilmann. |
Church Extension appeal was launched. This was a long-term plan for what was called “Greater Wesley” which expressed the conviction that material expansion was essential to cope with the demands of a growing church.
Rev Kenneth Chellappah appointed associate pastor. Rural West Sunday School project handed over to the Lutherans. March: New organ installed. 18 August: Wesley Choirs presented ‘Magnificat’ by J S Bach & King David by Honegger in aid of the Sengoi Mission Funds. Rev Yap Kim Hao elected the first Asian Bishop and was consecrated at Wesley, the “mother church” of Methodism in the region. 1 December: Chen Su Lan Methodist Home, co-founded by Wesley was opened by the First Lady, Puan Noor Aisah. Bishop Yap Kim Hao conducted the dedication. 14 December: 6th Coy Girls’ Brigade celebrated 20th anniversary. 25 December: Christmas Day service was held in the Conference Hall for the first time. |
14 June: MYF organises fund raising concert. July: The Wesley Combined Choirs presented the musical "Trial by Jury" for the Johore Bahru and Toa Payoh Methodist churches. 1 December: Samaritans of Singapore formed. Rev Gunnar Teilmann its first director. |
Rev Kenneth Chellapah became the first Asian pastor, ending 84 years of missionary pastoral leadership. Rev Ivy Chou and Rev Philip Chan were appointed associate pastors. 250 copies of EACC Hymnals presented in memory of Gina Tan Gim Lian. Guitar Club & peaNuts Club for the young formed. 20 September: Bus service started operation for those staying in the east. |
Rev Richard Ong appointed pastor. Wesley celebrated 86th anniversary. Repainting and renovations to the sanctuary and halls completed. The Official Board designated 20 August as the Church’s official birthday. The Pang Seng Road manse sold. |
Rev Tony Chi & Rev John Ling appointed associate pastor.
Rev Tony Chi appointed senior pastor. The Church Building Extension Fund Committee announced plans for a $1.2 million project which would double the seating capacity of the sanctuary as well as aircondition it. A new four-storey office and educational block with a two level basement carpark was also to be added. 1 - 7 September: Revival Meetings were held at Wesley, Speaker was Michael Griffiths - this marked the precursor to the Victory Meetings. |
20 - 21 February: The Sunday School presented the evangelistic musical "Tell It Like It Is" at the Victoria Theatre. April: Wesley Youth Centre opened in the old manse. Anthony Yeo appointed director. 8 - 11 July: First Victory Meetings held at the DBS Auditorium. Rev Dr Tony Chi preached. |
![]() Renovations to the church began. Services and classes were held at Methodist Girls’ School, Mount Sophia. |
Rev Isaac Lim appointed associate pastor. 26 April 1978 - First Power, Prayer & Praise meeting was held at 8pm at Wesley Methodist Church. Subsequent praise meetings were held on the last Wednesday of each month at the Wesley Hall. |
October: Renovated sanctuary and new 6-storey building ready for occupation. |
Kim Seng Community Clinic started operations for consultation.
May: Wednesday Intercession was launched. June: Fifth service started at Wesley. |
Boys’ Brigade celebrated its 50th Anniversary. Wesley Book Store launched in 1984, became known as BookNook. ![]() Wesley Senior Fellowship had its inaugural meeting. March: First Family Camp with Marriage Enrichment theme held in Port Dickson. |
New “Strangely Warmed” logo was introduced. “King Jesus Reigns” - Victory 5 evangelistic meetings took place. The Wesley Lay Training Institute and the Small Group Ministry was launched. An Annual Missions Conference was started. The Wesley Care Force was organised. 26 January: Miss Milia Kan was commissioned as first fully supported missionary with Asian Outreach International in Hong Kong. December: A sixth worship service at 10.30am was introduced in the renovated multi-purpose auditorium, named Wesley Hall. |
Launch of the centenary book, “By My Spirit” by Lana Wong. Small Group Ministry started up with eight small groups. CareForce was established under the banner of the WSCS. ”Camp 100", the first combined church camp for the youth ministry was held. The 10.30 am Prayer and Praise Service was launched in the Hall. The Centennial Consultation of Asian Methodist Leaders and the Centennial Evangelistic Festival were held at Wesley. 23 February: Wesley celebrated her 100th Anniversary with a service at the World Trade Centre. 7 - 9 March: Centennial Evangelistic Festival was held at Wesley. The speaker was Rev Dr Sam Kamaleson. 27 October: Rev Luis Palau preached at Wesley. |
Mandarin interpretation (via headphones) being offered at the 9.00am hall service. Wesley Senior Fellowship was formed. An All-Night Prayer, following a Day of Prayer & Fasting, was held at Wesley in conjunction with the Luis Palau Crusade. Crisis Counselling Centre was set up by the CareForce. Church School had almost 1,000 students. A Care for the Unemployed Committee was started up in response to the recession. 23 February: 101st Anniversary. Beginning of the 7th service at 9.00am (Wesley Hall). 23 March: The new 11.00am choir made its debut in the Wesley Hall. May: The Dawnbreakers (7.30am choir) celebrated their 25th anniversary. 18 - 20 July: Wesley’s Mission Conference, speaker: Dr Michael Grifiths. 14 - 25 September: 30 Wesley members went on a study tour of Israel via Athens and Cairo led by Dr Aw Swee Eng. 9 - 16 November: Spiritual Renewal Seminar held at Wesley. Speaker was Dave Smethurst. |
A Youth Council was established. The Small Group Ministry at this time had 41 small groups, and the first Small Group Leaders Convention was held. Church membership stands at almost 3,000. 22 February: Wesley celebrateed her 102nd Anniversary at World Trade Centre Hall 4. 22 March - 3 April: Holy Land study tour. 26 April: Wesley Band made its debut at the 9.00am Prayer & Praise service in the Wesley Hall. Its consisted of 5 members. July: Ground breaking service held for building extension. Target to be completed by December 1988. |
4 January: The first Wesley Child Development Centre (WCDC) was opened at Neil Road with 91 students. The Wesley Guys & Gals, a ministry to single adults was launched. 26 November: “Topping Up” ceremony was held to mark a significant stage in the church extension building project, the completion of the main frame structure. A Festival of Praise was organised by the Small Group Ministry, which numbered 46 groups with a full-time Coordinator. Mission work on the home front was focused on Tampines. |
Wednesday Intercession was replaced with by Mid Week Service. The last of the Victory Meetings "Victory 6" was held at Kallang Theatre in September. ![]() The Baptismal Hall at the Sanctuary and new Basement rooms were dedicated. 9 September: Wesley Centre, housing the Youth Centre, Wesley Child Development Centre and the home of the Boys Brigade, was officially opened by Dr. Seet Ai Mee. Church extension was completed and dedicated by Bishop Ho Chee Sin, Bishop Emeritus TR Doraisamy and Bishop Emeritus Kao Jih Chung. |
February: Wesley celebrated its 105th anniversary, and donated $25,000 to the nation’s 25th Anniversary Charity Fund. The Administrative Block was renovated. May: The first School of Music Ministry took place. Jointly organised by Wesley and Youth-With-a-Mission. The principals were Jimmy & Carol Owens. 3000 copies of the United Methodist Hymnals were donated and dedicated on Aldersgate Sunday. The Cradle Roll Ministry was launched. |
24 February: Wesley celebrated her 106th anniversary. Guest speaker was Rev Dr Denis C Dutton, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Malaysia. 25 - 27 March: First Holy Week services held at Wesley. Dr Aw Swee Eng was the speaker. 19 November: 1st Music Festival held. "Towards 2000" vision paper was introduced. 8th Assembly of the World Federation Methodist Women held at Wesley.For the first time, worship services were conducted daily during Holy Week. ![]() The Ministry to the Hearing Impaired is launched. Two other Ministries are launched: Wesley Haven and the Legal Ministry. |
15 missions trips were sent to the Riau islands, North Sumatra, North Thailand and West Malaysia. Wesley is twinned with Gereja Methodist Indonesia. Batam. Wesley became one of the 8 founding members of the St Luke’s Home for the Elderly Sick. Wesley Counselling Service was launched. Church membership stood at 4,247.
Wesley Child Development Centre (WCDC) at Neil Road were returned to the Land Office. The WCDC relocated to new premises at Telok Blangah, Toa Payoh and Serangoon North, and the Youth Centre to the Boys' Brigade Headquarters at Indus Road. 23 February: Wesley turned 107. Guest speaker was former pastor during the 40’s, Rev Dr Tyler Thompson. 4 April: The first Ash Wednesday was held. 26 October: Pre-Marital Preparation Course conducted its first retreat. |
A Social Club formed by the Ministry for the Hearing Impaired. ![]() 17 January: Mandarin Service wass launched under the Prayer & Praise Committee. 31 January: First Mandarin prayer meeting started. 28 February: Mandarin Audio & Video Ministry started. November: First batch of Mandarin congregation baptised & confirmed into membership. A Wednesday staff worship was started. Wesley’s Preaching Point was established at Methodist Girls School. Monthly Filipino Worship Service was launched. |
![]() The logo for the Church was introduced. 11 September: Covenant Community Methodist Church, a joint church-planting effort with Barker Road Methodist Church constituted as the 16th TRAC Methodist Church. Wesley celebrated 109th anniversary. Rev Christopher Smith spoke. Mid-week Prayer Service adopted new structure. Filipino Worship Service was incorporated as the 9th weekly service. Average weekly attendance exceeded 3,500. Wesley became a Special Partner in Mission (SPIM) with local churches in other countries - Gereja Methodist Indonesia, Batam; Kunda Methodist Church, Estonia; Iglesia Evangelica Methodist Church, Pamplona, Philippines; Ipoh Wesley Methodist Church. Youth Centre launched Pre-Teen Club. Jewels Fellowship started. Singapore’s first Deaf Youth Soccer Team formed by the Ministry to the Hearing Impaired. |
Wesley celebrated 110th anniversary with a full year of events by various ministries: Christian Education, Sunday School, Publications, Worship and Music, Youth and Missions and the WSCS. Korean Service introduced. 2 May: Mandarin congregation commenced Prison Ministry. 10 September: Wesley Heritage corner opened. 24 September: Mandarin Small Groups formed. 14 October: Wesley Medical Mission Fellowship inaugurated. |
21 July: The adoption of the Yi People was signed on Missions Sunday. 20 - 22 December: “Christmas At The Fort” a three evening Christmas programme was held at Fort Canning Green. |
The Wesley Family Combined Christmas Day Worship at Harbour Pavilion brought all the Chinese, English, Filipino and Korean congregations together for the first time.
“Ablaze” evangelistic Rock Concert was organised by the youth ministry in March. ![]() An original evangelistic full-length musical entitled “BC The True Story” was staged at Suntec City in December over three nights. ![]() Preaching Point at Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) was launched on Easter Sunday. Restoration of the Sanctuary Tower and Retrofitting of the Sanctuary was carried out. |
![]() The air-conditioning system in the Sanctuary was replaced, and the Church tower was refurbished. Publications and Information became known as "Communications". The Wesley website was established, and there was greater emphasis on Information Technology. February: His Resurrection Power Dance ministry made its debut in Wesley Hall. November: The C.A.S.T. (Creative Arts Services Team) Puppet Ministry set up. 29 November: ”A Little Bit Different” evangelistic concert held at Wesley. Wednesday night prayer service was reorganised and Prayer Tithe was introduced. Wesley became partner church with Methodist Mission Society. |
Wesley Home JOY - our first joint project with the Methodist Welfare Services was launched. Renovations works to Wesley Hall carried out. New computer registration systems installed at the Info Counter. ![]() ”Just One Hour” Seeker Service was launched. “Have a Heart” community outreach project to the poor and needy residents at Bukit Merah View. 30 January: Church Directions for the next three years launched. May: Wesley Players, a drama ministry formed. ![]() The stained glass at the Sanctuary was refurbished. |
Worship service times were adjusted to what they are today, with both Sanctuary and Hall services taking place at the same time. ![]() Renovations in the Sanctuary are completed. New air-conditioning in the Basement Rooms were installed. WesleyTV was launched to provide video announcements of upcoming church events. |
![]() The announcement that a “Youth Ministry” for 13 year olds and above, to start in January 2003 was made. A 5-year lease for two floors of office space at the YWCA along Fort Canning Road was signed. With the exception of pastors, church administration and the communications department, all ministry staff were relocated to the new office premises in September. This helped to free up badly needed space for church school and programmes within the church itself. |
The 4th Prayer & Praise Service started on Saturday evenings. Kim Seng Community Clinic closed after 22 years of serving the community. ![]() Wesley planted a church in Nong Bua Lam Phu City in north-eastern Thailand to reach out to the Isaan perople in collaboration with the Methodist Missions Society. |
![]() The Sunday or Church School changed its name to Children's Ministry (for those below 12) and the Youth Ministry (for those 13 and older). The Volunteer Central was formed to help church members find the right fit in their service to God. Log on to http://volunteer.wesleymc.org. Wesley Relief Ministry sent team to Leyte Island, Philippines. |
The Church celebrated her 120th anniversary. Highlights of the year-long celebrations include a Thanksgiving Dinner for 1,500 members and a series of love projects undertaken by various ministries of the church.
![]() The Third Place, a preaching point reaching out to unchurched youths came under the responsibility of Wesley Methodist Church. Rhythm of Praise made its debut in Wesley Hall. The Dawnbreakers choir released a CD album titled ‘Morning by Morning’ Wesley’s longest serving staff, Mrs Lucy Chow Nee Gan retired after 43 years of service. |
21 January: Mandarin congregation Lunar New Year outreach. 19 February: Wesley celebrates her 121st Anniversary. Rev Wee Boon Hup, TRAC President was the speaker. 28 February: Rev Mary Ann Swenson, Bishop of California-Pacific Annual Conference United Methodist Church visits Wesley. 15 April: The Wesley Child Development Centre (WCDC) partners Children’s Ministry to organise its first Easter Outreach at Wesley. 30 April: First Family Worship service started. 14 May: Family Day observed. August: Repainting works begins after 10 years. Painting works expected to be completed by October 2007 26 August: WSCS Annual Food Fair was held. 2 - 5 June: Church Camp held at Putrajaya Marriott Hotel, Malaysia. 1 July: The Wesley Child Development Centres organised their first Family Sports Day. 23 September: Mid-Autumn Celebration organised by Befrienders’ Outreach Programme. 13 October: First Wesley men prayer group ‘Men in Christ’ started. 10 November: Wesley Child Development Centres Annual Graduation concert held at Wesley Hall. 18 December: Wesley was involved in ‘Celebrate Christmas in Singapore” held at Paragon Shopping Mall. 23 December: Carols by Candlelight held at the Wesley Plaza. Rev Alvin Chan preached on “The Meaning of Christmas”. |
11 February: Wesley celebrates her 122nd Anniversary with a combined worship services at 8.30 & 11.00 am held at the Wesley Sanctuary and Wesley Hall. The guest preacher was Rev Dr Tony Chi. 3 February: The Mandarin Service held their annual Chinese New Year Dialect Outreach in the Wesley Sanctuary. Rev Oh Beng Khee was the guest preacher. 7 April: The Wesley Child Development Centres together with the Boys’ & Girls’ Brigade held their Easter Celebration at the Wesley Hall. The Befrienders’ Outreach Programme (BOP) organised an outing to the Botanic Gardens for the elderly residents from Indus & Henderson areas. 2 - 5 June: Annual Church Camp was held at Equatorial Bangi-Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur. A total of 330 participants attended the camp. 16 - 19 July: Crisis Response Training Legazpii held at Albay (Bicol Region) Philippines. 27 July: Wesley’s oldest member, Mrs Agnes Magness passed away. She was 102. 28 - 29 July: Annual Missions Weekend. The theme was “The World Is On God’s Heart, Is It On Yours?” The guest preacher was Rev Dr David Wang, former president of Asian Outreach. 29 July: Annual Blood Donation Drive. 4 September: A group of Wesleyan visited the Maghain Aboth Synagogue, the oldest synagogue in South East Asia. 25 August: The Annual WSCS Annual Food Fair was held. 15 September: “Have A Heart”project was observed. 1 October: The Annual Staff Day was held at Sentosa Island, Palawan Beach. 9 November: Wesley Youth Centre relocated to 25 Jalan Berseh. 17 November: The Third Place at Hope Centre held its final service. 1 December: The BOP celebrated Christmas was residents of the Bethany Methodist Nursing Home. 9 December: The BOP held their annual Christmas Outreach at YWCA for elderly residents from various HDB homes at Indus Road, Henderson raod and jalan Bukit Merah. 15 December: The BOP held a Christmas Outing for elderly residents from HDB homes in the Bukit Ho Swee and Henderson areas. 15 & 16 December: Wesley was involved in ‘Celebrate Christmas in Singapore” held at Plaza Singapura. The theme was “It’s All About Love”. |
17 February: Wesley celebrates here 123th Anniversary. The guest preacher was Rev Dr Wee Boon Hup, TRAC President. He preached on “There Is More.” 23 February: The Wesley Youth Centre was official opened by Mrs Denise Phua, Member of Parliament for Jalan Besar GRC. 26 January: The Annual Chinese New Year Dialect Outreach was held. Guest preacher Rev Oh Beng Khee. 26 & 27 April: COSC Weekend observed. Guest speaker: Rev Dr Daniel Koh spoke in the Wesley Sanctuary and Dr Tan Kim Huat in the Wesley Hall. 18 & 19 May: COSC Conference held. Organised by The Christian Outreach and Social Concerns (COSC) and jointly organised by Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC). 11 May: The Annual Parents’ Day lunch was held at Tang Court Cantonese Restaurant, RELC International. 11 - 21 May: A total of 60 member went on a Holy Land Study Tour. 25 May: The Boys’ & Girls’ Brigade held their Enrolment Service. 19 - 24 May: The Aldersgate Convention was held at Wesley. The theme was “The Road To Glory, The Future In Wesleyan Perspective”. The speaker was Rev Dr Ben Witherington III, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Asbury Theological Seminary. 30 May - 2 June: Annual Church Camp was held at Equatorial Malacca. Theme: Following Jesus Everywhere (All the Way). Guest speaker was Rev Dr Norman Wong. 14 - 21 June: Childrens’ Ministry organised mission trip to Cambodia. 29 June: Family Worship held at YWCA Ballroom. Theme: From Generation to Generation. Speaker: Dr Cheah Fung Fong. 19 July: Annual ‘Have A Heart” project organised for residents of Jalan Berseh area. 26 & 27 July: Missions weekend observed. Theme: “Be The Link To Praise The Lord”. 29 July: The Wesley Filipino Fellowship celebrates her 25th anniversary at the YMCA Tan Chin Tuan Function Room 1 & 2. Theme: Pressing On Towards The Goal. Annual Blood Donation organised 29 - 30 July: Wesley Annual Staff Retreat held at Changi Village Hotel. 23 August: The new premise at YWCA Outram of the The Third Place was dedicated. 30 August: WSCS Annual Food Fair held. 14 - 20 September: Crisis Relief Wesley organised relief trip to Dhorighat, Gorakphur, Utta Pradesh. 27 September: Mid-Autumn Celebration organised by Befrienders’ Outreach Programme fro elderly residents from Indus, Sarah Senior Activity Centre, Henderson Seniors Citizens Home, Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church and Kum Yan Methodist Church. Guest speaker: Rev Oh Beng Khee. 28 September: Children’s Ministry Sunday was observed. 25 & 26 October: Hymn & Praise weekend observed. 14 - 16 November: 1st ‘Boost & Rekindle’ Retreat organised by Family Life Ministry was held at Batam Harris Resort. 5 - 8 December: “Just As I Am” , a pre-teen discipleship camp was held at Praisehaven, Salvation Army. 11 December: Christmas party at Calvary Welfare Society (Johore Bahru) organised by Wesley Social Service Ministry 18 - 21 December: “King Of Glory” a youth ministry camp was held at Prince George’s Park Hostel, NUS. Camp speaker was Rev Philip Huan. 27 December: The inaugural Wesley Sports Fiesta organised by Wesley Sports Ministry held at Singapore Sports School. |
3-year Church Directions for 2009-2011 launched:
January: Sale of a replica model of Wesley Church as built in 1907 to commemorate 100 years. 1 February: Annual Chinese New Year Dialect Outreach organized by Mandarin Ministry. Speaker: Rev Oh Beng Khee. 15 February: Wesley Methodist Church celebrated her 124th Anniversary at the Sanctuary. 21 March: Family Day Makan Rally. 29 March: Family Worship Service @ YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. March: Fundraising for proposed post-care hostel for teenage girls in crisis by GC WSCS. 30 August: Family Worship Service @ YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. 5 September: A Sunbeams musical “To Tell The Truth”, a joint musical with ACS (Junior) School held at ACS (Junior) Auditorium. 11 November: Family Worship Service @ YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. 19 December: ‘Christmas Opera’ presented by Prayer & Praise Ministry, featuring Rhythm of Praise, held at Wesley Hall. 26 December: ‘The King & I’ – a WSCS evangelistic Christmas musical held at Rendezvous Hotel. 31 December: Year-end Thanksgiving Celebration at Wesley Plaza. |
31 January: Annual Chinese New Year Dialect Outreach. 31 January: Family Worship Service @ YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. 6 February: ‘Sharing God’s Love’ at Bethany Methodist Nursing Home. 21 February: Wesley Methodist Church celebrated her 125th Anniversary at the Sanctuary. 28 February: Mandarin Evangelistic Healing Outreach. 28 March: Teochew Evangelistic Healing Outreach. 25 April: Mandarin Evangelistic Healing Outreach. 27 June: Teochew Evangelistic Healing Outreach. 11-25 July: 125-Prayer-for-1 organized by Missions Ministry. 28 September: Dedication service for Wesley Church Upgrading Project (WCUP) to create 36,000 sq.ft. of usable space with a new Wesley Plaza Hall, a Resource Room, 2 Prayer Rooms (@ the Plaza & Basement), Wesley Hall extension. Expected completion: end 2012. |
20 February: Wesley Methodist Church celebrated her 126th Anniversary – combined services at 8.30am and 11.00am at the Sanctuary. 30 January: Family Worship Service @ YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. 29 May: Family Worship Service @ YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. July: Youth Ministry celebrated its 10th Anniversary. August: Relocation of The Saturday Service, the Prayer & Praise Services (Sunday mornings), the Mandarin Service to The Bible House for the duration of the WCUP. November: The Saturday Service celebrated its 1st Anniversary. 16 December: Inaugural event of “An Evening of Sacred Christian Music” presented by the W&M Ministry to bring worshippers and worship servants closer to God. 31 December: Year-end Thanksgiving Dinner held at Wesley Methodist Church – chance to see the new Wesley Plaza. |
19 February: End of fundraising efforts for Wesley CUP – reached target of $7 million. (Total project cost: $12.3 million, of which $5m was paid out of reserves). 20 February: Wesley Methodist Church celebrated her 127th Anniversary – combined services at 8.30am and 11.00am at the Sanctuary. Total offering received went toward Wesley CUP. March: Re-opening of the BookNook & AV Centre. April: Biblethon 2012 – a church-led initiative to compile a Bible handwritten by members the Wesley Church Family. 8 July: Update on Wesley CUP – received Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) for Phases 1A & 1B. Phase 2 included building a new Chapel & toilets in the Basement, a new Corridor leading to Fort Canning Road, a new Courtyard with kitchenette and female toilets, renovation of Wesley Hall, a canopy and new lifts. 15 July: Re-opening of new Library, now located in the rear of the Sanctuary. |
17 February: Wesley Methodist Church celebrated her 128th Anniversary with dedication for the completed Wesley CUP and the Biblethon 2012 at the Sanctuary. 24 February - 17 March: Biblethon exhibition at the Atrium and Heritage Corner. 23 February - 6 April: Meeting Jesus in the Gospels Campaign – a church-wide study of the Gospels. 26 May: Dedication service to celebrate 25th Anniversary of the Wesley Child Development Centre (WCDC). Late 2013: Wesley Weekly now available in PDF version with download of QR code. November: Biblethon 2012 goes live – online viewing of more than 1000 handwritten pages of the Holy Bible. |
16 February: Wesley Methodist Church celebrated her 129th Anniversary – combined worship services at 8.30am and 11.00am at the Sanctuary. 16 May: Worship & Music Ministry presents ‘An Evening of Sacred Music’ at the Sanctuary 25 December: ONE Christmas Service held at Suntec City for the Wesley Church family. One Church. One Heart. One Service. July: Praise Special Community (PSCom) participates at the 5.00pm Traditional service at the Sanctuary. 25 October: Outreach concert with Deb Fung held at The Saturday Service. 28 December: Final service for the 7.30pm Praise & Praise Evening Service. 3 November: Wesley Methodist Church initiates Campus Ministry. |
15 February: Wesley Methodist Church celebrated her 130th Anniversary – combined worship services at 8.30am and 11.00am at the Sanctuary. May: Wesley Sanctuary Upgrading Project (WSUP) costing $4.5 million aimed at rectifying defects, replace obsolete equipment, reconfiguring the altar area and restoring the cross-shaped Sanctuary layout. Completion: December 2016. 15 August: Small Group Ministry celebrated 30th Anniversary (1985-2015) with SGM Leaders’ Conference. October: Phase 2 of SUP started. Closure of the Sanctuary extension. Services were conducted in the smaller section of the refurbished Sanctuary. Congregation was directed to overflow rooms in the basement and office block. |
Launch of Bible Reading Drive 2016 – a Bible-reading plan drawn up for Wesley Church family. 31 January: Family Worship Service @ YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. January: Upgraded Sanctuary fitted with hearing loop system for persons with hearing aids. 21 February: Wesley Methodist church celebrated her 131st Anniversary – combined worship services at 8.30am and 11.00am at the Sanctuary. Speaker: Bishop Wee Boon Hup. 26-27 March: ‘Imperfect’ – an Easter production by the Youth Ministry held at YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. 10-13 June: 4D/3N Camp for the Mandarin Ministry in Batam, Indonesia. 29 April - 8 August: Alpha Mandarin Course conducted. April: Invitation to congregation to own pieces of old communion rails and bricks salvaged from the Wesley SUP. 1 June: Wesley Prayer Service held at Wesley Hall. 31 July: Family Worship Service @ YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. 6 August: Wesley Day of Prayer @ Wesley Hall. 11 August - 21 October: Senior Alpha Course – every Thursday – helmd by Wesley Senior Fellowship. August - October: Small Group Alpha Course. 30 October: Family Worship Service @ YWCA Ballroom, Level 2. 2 November: Wesley Prayer Service @ Wesley Hall. |
Launch of Directions 2020: 8 January: Wesley Discipleship Model (WDM) launched – a discipleship framework to help Wesleyans grow in Christ and build a closer relationship with God. 3-prong approach with:
15 January: Devotion in Groups (DIG) Campaign launched. 19 February: Wesley Methodist Church celebrated her 132nd Anniversary – combined worship services at 8.30am and 11.00am at the Sanctuary. 7 May: Launched of Wesley @ Cathay Service at 9.30am at The Grand Cathay. July: 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting - once a week (4,12,19,26 July) – to pray for the nation and practice the discipline of fasting. 10 September: Dedication of Wesley Vineyard Childcare staff and board. 24 December: Christmas @ Cathay from 11.30am – 1.00pm. |
Launch of 3-year Bible Reading Drive (2018-2020). 13 January - 24 February: Authentic Relationships Campaign. 28 January: Alpha@ Café at The Grand Cathay started, 11.15am – 1.00pm. Chinese New Year Evangelistic Outreach helmed by the Mandarin Ministry 25 February: Wesley Methodist church celebrated her 133rd Anniversary – combined worship services at 8.30am and 11.00am at the Sanctuary. 4 April - 25 May: Devotion in Groups (DIG). 6 May: 1st Anniversary of Wesley @ Cathay. 1 July - 9 August: 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting. 4 August: Wesley Day of Prayer. 19 August: Family Worship Service @ Wesley Plaza Hall. 23 December: Christmas @ Cathay. |
January: Holy Communion will be served concurrently at all church services only on the 1st Sunday of each month. 3 January: Permanent closure of Canning Rise to vehicular traffic. 17 February: Wesley Methodist church celebrated her 134th Anniversary – combined worship services at 8.30am and 11.00am at the Sanctuary. 9 March: Acts of Kindness @ Jalan Berseh – a COSC initiative. 23 July: Temporary relocation of COSC to Jalan Berseh. 13 August: Temporary relocation of staff to Wesley Methodist Church due to renovations at YWCA. 18 August: Family Worship Service @ Wesley Plaza Hall. 25 October: Acts of Kindness Friendship Night Dinner helmed by the Mandarin Ministry. 1 September: Youth Ministry (YM Shift) returns to Wesley Methodist Church. Youth Worship Service held at Wesley Hall on Sundays, 2.00pm. 15 December: Christmas @ Berseh helmed by COSC. 19-21 December: Christmas @ Cathay, The Grand Cathay. 19-22 December: Christmas @The Fort - Fort Canning Green – more than 1,000 volunteers came together in the Spirit of Giving to impact the world. |
In the wake of the spread of COVID-19 in Singapore, all church services |
Year of Sabbath-Rest: Rest, Reflect, Renew Following COVID practices for health and safety, Holy Communion will be observed with distribution of elements to the congregation. Onsite services are limited in size and duration with pre-registration Online platforms are introduced to help church members stay updated Wesley Care Fund supports members who need financial assistance |
Launch of Directions 2025: February: Launch of Wesley Tidings microsite. April: Easing of Covid-19 restrictions - group size limits and safe distancing requirements were removed. May: Wesley Hall underwent renovation. May 1: 9.30am service for Prayer & Praise @ Cathay relocated to Orchard Cineleisure. May – October: Wesley Cradle Rooms in the Sanctuary and Baptismal Hall received a make-over. July (6-9): Inaugural Strangely Warmed Retreat - where Wesleyans come together to examine, reflect and address vital issues in their lives; centred on Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. September: Inaugural Creation Care Conference October 9: Inaugural Wesley Ministry Fair – a volunteer recruitment event to encourage service in ministries. |
January: Free internet access via Wesley WIFI available onsite. March 8: Launch of Digital Wesley (Ministry) with a hybrid launch event: re:Imagine – Christianity in the Digital World. March: Missions Workshop held to help Wesleyans to grow in missions April: Inaugural Journey to the Cross - a self-guided spiritual exercise involving a journey through five prayer stations. The intention is to follow the path that Jesus traversed during the final days of His earthly life. April 23 - Change of Prayer & Praise Livestream service timing from 11.30am to 9.30am. June (10-13): Wesley Church Camp resumed in Kuala Lumpur. June: Wesley Prison Ministry Open House. August 26: Wesley WSCS Food Fair returned post-pandemic. September - December: Missions Teams sent to mission fields in Batam (Sep); Nong Bua Lam Phu (Oct); Medan (Dec). December (16-22): Christmas@Orchard (Celebrate Christmas In Singapore) |
January: Launch of the revamped Wesley Church App February: Available on Wesley Church's website, Our Stories, His Glory 2 features video recordings, with stories of faithful servants sharing significant moments in their journeys of faith. February: Wesley Podcast by Wesley Methodist Church goes on air with 'Workplace Conversations'. March 19 - Dedication of Little Candles Primary School in Phrao, Thailand, to which Wesley had been a generous support and contributor April 21: Dedication of a newly established music studio, now called the Wesley Studio, previously known as the Wesley Chapel. June (21-22) - An original Wesleyan Musical 'Birthday Letters' staged by the Youth Ministry at Wesley Hall August 17- Wesley Church hosts Marketplace Conference 2024 - God's Calling: Being Salt and Light at Work August - September: Inaugural Wesley@Night Festival is launched to be a more open church and draw visitors to the light on the hill. |
Pastoral Roll
Early Years
William Fitzjames Oldham |
W N Brewster |
J Grant (Exhorter) |
W H B Urch |
F H Morgan |
W P Rutledge |
A J Amery |
W E Horley H B Mansell |
G C Cobb |
W H B Urch |
L Oechsli |
T C Maxwell |
C E Holman |
J H Lewin |
E F Lee |
E F Lee H B Amstutz (Associate) |
H B Amstutz |
A Eklund |
R L Archer Burr H Baughman |
H B Amstutz W S Reinoehl (Associate) |
W S Reinoehl W H Myers (Associate) |
H B Amstutz H F Kuehn |
H B Amstutz Tyler Thomson (Associate) |
- Japanese Occupation - |
P H Schmucker W S Reinoehl |
W S Reinoehl |
W S Reinoehl T Runyan |
Tracey K Jones Jr |
1954 - 1980s
Tracey K Jones Jr R Butler-White (Associate) |
C S Wilder Yap Kim Hao (Associate) |
O A Guinn Jr Yap Kim Hao (Associate) |
O A Guinn Jr Gunnar J Teilmann Jr Dennis C Dutton (Associate) |
Gunnar J Teilmann Jr Dennis C Dutton (Associate) Lim Teng Huat (Assistant) Kenneth Lau (Assistant) |
Gunnar J Teilmann Jr |
R.F. Lundy C.H. Smith Tan Eng Seng (Associate) |
C.H. Smith Tang Kin Wah (Associate) |
C.H. Smith Michael Wong (Associate) |
C.H. Smith K.J. Chellappah (Associate) |
K.J. Chellappah Ivy Chou (Associate) Phillip Chan (Associate) |
Richard E. Ong Ivy Chou (Associate) John Ling (Associate) |
Richard E. Ong Tony Chi (Associate) John Ling (Associate) |
Tony Chi |
Tony Chi Isaac Lim (Associate) |
Isaac Lim |
Isaac Lim Melvin Huang (Assistant) Clarence Lim (Associate - August) |
Isaac Lim Clarence Lim (Associate) Melvin Huang (Assistant) |
Isaac Lim Melvin Huang (Assistant) Edmund De Souza (Assistant) |
Isaac Lim Edmund De Souza (Assistant) Wee Boon Hup (Assistant) |
Isaac Lim Edmund De Souza (Assistant) Wee Boon Hup (Assistant) |
Isaac Lim Edmund De Souza (Assistant) Wee Boon Hup (Assistant) |
Isaac Lim Wee Boon Hup (Assistant) H E Joy Cera (Missionary Pastor) |
Kang Ho Soon Wee Boon Hup (Associate) Noel Goh (Assistant) |
Kang Ho Soon Wee Boon Hup (Associate) Noel Goh (Assistant) |
Kang Ho Soon Wee Boon Hup (Associate) Noel Goh (Assistant) |
Kang Ho Soon Wee Boon Hup (Associate) Noel Goh (Associate) Gabriel Liew (Assisant) |
Kang Ho Soon Noel Goh Gabriel Liew Peter Wong |
Wee C S David George Wan Noel Goh Gabriel Liew |
Wee C S David George Wan Noel Goh Kow Shih Ming Youn Bo Hwan (Korean) |
Wee C S David George Wan Lawrence Chua Kow Shih Ming Stanley Chua Youn Bo Hwan (Korean) |
Wee C S David George Wan Kow Shih Ming Stanley Chua Youn Bo Hwan (Korean) |
Melvin Huang Lim Jen Huat Kow Shih Ming Lorna Khoo Juliette Arulrajah Stanley Chua Youn Bo Hwan (Korean) |
Melvin Huang Lim Jen Huat Kow Shih Ming Juliette Arulrajah Stanley Chua Youn Bo Hwan (Korean) |
Melvin Huang Lim Jen Huat Kow Shih Ming Juliette Arulrajah Stanley Chua Lilian Ang Sim Jae Sok (Korean) |
Melvin Huang Lim Jen Huat Michael Tan Juliette Arulrajah Stanley Chua Lilian Ang Sim Jae Sok (Korean) |
Melvin Huang Lim Jen Huat Michael Tan Juliette Arulrajah Lilian Ang Sim Jae Sok (Korean) |
Melvin Huang Lim Jen Huat Michael Tan Lilian Ang Daniel C Tan Wendy Watson Bae Chi Sup (Korean) |
Melvin Huang Lim Jen Huat Michael Tan Lilian Ang Daniel C Tan Wendy Watson Bae Chi Sup (Korean) |
Melvin Huang Michael Tan Alvin Chan Lilian Ang Daniel C Tan Wendy Watson Khoo Kay Huat Bae Chi Sup (Korean) |
Melvin Huang Lilian Ang Alvin Chan Daniel C Tan Wendy Watson Khoo Kay Huat |
2008 | Melvin Huang Philip Lim Michael Tan Alvin Chan Lilian Ang Daniel C Tan Wendy Watson Khoo Kay Huat |
2009 | Melvin Huang Philip Lim Michael Tan Alvin Chan Lilian Ang Daniel C Tan Wendy Watson Ivan Tan |
2010 | Melvin Huang Philip Lim Michael Tan Alvin Chan Daniel C Tan Wendy Watson Ivan Tan |
2011 | Melvin Huang Philip Lim Michael Tan Alvin Chan Daniel C Tan Wendy Watson Ivan Tan Raymond Fong |
2012 | Melvin Huang Philip Lim Michael Tan Daniel C Tan Wendy Watson Fred Tan Ivan Tan Raymond Fong |
2013 | Kow Shih Ming Philip Lim Michael Tan Joel Yong Wendy Watson Fred Tan Ivan Tan Raymond Fong Jeremy Ong |
2014 | Kow Shih Ming Philip Lim Michael Tan Joel Yong Wendy Watson Fred Tan Ivan Tan Raymond Fong Jeremy Ong |
2015 |
Kow Shih Ming |
2016 |
Stanley Chua |
2017 |
Stanley Chua |
2018 |
Stanley Chua |
2019 |
Stanley Chua |
2020 |
Stanley Chua |
2021 | Raymond Fong Edmund de Souza Michael Tan Lilian Ang Chia Chin Nam Gladwin Lee Adrian Ng David Ho Benjamin Lau Clement Ong |
2022 | Raymond Fong Lim Jen Huat Michael Tan Lilian Ang Chia Chin Nam Gladwin Lee Adrian Ng David Ho Benjamin Lau Clement Ong |
2023 | Raymond Fong Lim Jen Huat Lilian Ang Chia Chin Nam Gladwin Lee Ian Lee Adrian Ng Benjamin Lau Clement Ong |
2024 | Raymond Fong Lim Jen Huat Lilian Ang Chia Chin Nam Gladwin Lee Ian Lee Adrian Ng Benjamin Lau Clement Ong |