Join a Small Group

What is a Small Group?
We believe the Small Group to be at the heart of our local congregation. Central to our development as individuals in Christ, Small Groups are intentional gatherings of people who meet regularly for the purpose of worship, discipleship, fellowship and outreach. A small group is the primary place you receive care and live out your faith.

Small Groups in Wesley
Officially launched in 1985, Wesley’s Small Group Ministry first began with eight groups meeting in members’ homes around Singapore. Today, we have over 240 small groups covering a wide spectrum of ages and geographical locations.

The mission of Small Group Ministry in Wesley is Growing Groups that Bear Lasting Fruit, through three strategies—Gathering, Nurturing, and Flowering.

  • Through gathering in small groups, we develop a greater sense of belonging in our community of faith.
  • Through nurturing, we continue to spur and encourage one another to grow in Christ and His Word.
  • Through flowering, we live out our faith through service, acts of kindness and outreach.


Join a Small Group!


Looking for a group of like-minded individuals to journey and do life together?


Scan this QR code to join a SG.

To contact us, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

© 2020 Wesley Methodist Church