We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.
– Colossians 1: 28
To find out more about C.O.R.D.S., please check out:
The WDM is simple — all you need to do is to avail yourself to participate in the learning sessions and activities selected for the five Faith Catalyst Environments — C.O.R.D.S. — and you will discover the wonderful and fulfilling life that God has intended for each of us individually and all of us collectively!
To find out more about the D&N Ministry, send us an email here:
Download the D&N Curriculum Catalogue here.
- Companions in Christ
- Precept@Wesley
- D&N Core Series
- Word Alive!
- Word Alive! Mid-Week Teaching Session
- Creation Care
- Media Centres
- Strangely Warmed Retreat
Companions in Christ
CIC is a 28-session journey that moves through five parts: Christian journey, scripture, prayer, call, and spiritual guidance. Through the journey, you will:
- explore the depths of Scripture, learn to listen to God through it, and allow your life to be shaped by the Word;
- experience new dimensions of prayer, try fresh ways of opening to God, and learn what it means to practise the presence of God;
- reflect on Christ’s call in your life and discover anew the gifts that God is giving you for living out your personal ministry;
- grow together with fellow participants as a Christian community and gain skills in learning how small groups in the church become settings for spiritual guidance.
The success of the main CIC programme has led the course originators to introduce the following shorter modules:
- Exploring the Way (7 sessions)
- The Way of Forgiveness (9 sessions)
- The Way of Blessedness (10 sessions)
- The Way of Grace (10 sessions)
- The Way of Prayer (11 sessions)
- The Way of Discernment (11 sessions)
- The Way of Scripture (8 sessions)
- The Way of Transforming Discipleship (7 sessions)
The Discipleship & Nurture (D&N) Committee has offered the first two shorter modules and will be starting two classes on The Way of Blessedness next year. Other than Exploring the Way, which is open to all, the other seven shorter modules are only open to those who have completed the main 28-session CIC programme.
The entire CIC series focuses on participants' experiences of God and discovery of spiritual practices that help them to share more fully in the life of Christ. It aims to help participants grow spiritually by enabling them to immerse themselves through the spiritual disciplines of prayer, scripture, ministry, worship, study and Christian conversation.
All the resources in the series explore classic spiritual practices and invite participants to develop daily patterns that open their lives to more authentic and deeper relationships with God and with one another.
Once a Companion, always a Companion!
DISCIPLE is a four phased Bible Study programme that aims to transform lives, not merely to be informative of God’s Word. Living transformed lives means we grow from the infancy of just being believers to the maturity of becoming disciples. After all, Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations”, and to do so requires of us to become disciples ourselves.
Truly, “If you make my word your home, you will indeed be my disciples.” (John 8:31, NJB)
Precept@Wesley offers Inductive Bible Study courses such as Precept Upon Precept, that are ideal for participants who want to have a more in-depth study of God’s Word, and gain confidence in self-discovery of God Word rather than heavy reliance on Bible commentaries.Our mission is ‘to engage our students in inductive Bible study so as to have a deeper relationship with God’.
Precept Upon Precept
Hands on in-depth study of each book of the Bible.
Participants will learn how to use Inductive Bible Study Method (IBS method) to discover God’s truth for themselves.
The 3 steps in the IBS method are Observation, Interpretation and Application.
The Observation and Interpretation steps include:
- asking the 5Ws and an 1H, marking key words and phrases in the Scripture text, chapter theme, making lists
- checking the original Hebrew / Greek meaning of certain words using blueletterbible.com, cross-references for context and full
counsel of the Word of God
Accurate Observation leads to correct Interpretation, which can then lead to the proper Application of God’s Word.
Each study includes the complete text of the book(s) being studied, relevant maps, charts, and timelines, and approximately five hours of homework per week.For more information, please visit this link: Precept
Books scheduled in 2023 (Registration for upcoming studies will be published in Wesley Weekly):
Hosea – “A Love That Will Not Let Me Go.” [January to February (4 lessons)]
1 Timothy – “The Church, The Pillar and Support of The Truth.” [March to June (8 lessons)]
2 Timothy – “A Study in Discipleship.” [July to September (7 lessons)]
Esther – “A Man and A Woman In Such A Time As This.” [October to November (5 lessons)]
Reference and Resource
The following Inductive Bible Study tools and other relevant books from Precept Singapore are available in BookNook:
- Discover The Bible for Yourself
- How to Study Your Bible
In an effort to offer depth in Bible studies to complement the breadth of the curriculum, Wesley is also working closely with the EQUIP (formerly CDCM, the Centre for the Development of Christian Ministry) of Trinity Theological College (TTC) in hosting their evening classes on our church premises.
EQUIP offers a Certificate and Licentiate programme for participants. These courses can be credited to the Certificate in Mission Practice and Certificate in Christian Ministry offered by TTC. EQUIP classes falls under the Scriptural Obedience environment.
There will be one 8-week course conducted on Wesley premises every quarter. These courses include biblical, theological, historical and missiological modules, designed for Christians who wish to equip themselves for personal growth and effective ministry, in overseas cross-cultural fields or Christian ministry.
The courses include:
- Issues in Christian Mission
- Cultural Anthropology
- Survey of Bible Doctrine
- Missio Dei: Historical & Holistic Perspectives
- Introducing World Religions
- Theology of Mission
- Old Testament Survey
- New Testament Survey
In 2019, courses that will be conducted in the four quarters include the following:
- Philippians
- Social Issues in the Minor Prophets
- Christian Witness in the World
- Missio Dei (or the Divine Mission).
The dates for the above modules will be published in Wesley Weekly.
Word Alive!
Word Alive is a ministry that study the Scripture and allowing the Holy Spirit to ultimately gives us the understanding and revelation of Scripture. This ministry is hemmed by several teachers that have been ministering to the participants with their teachings.
Ms Harriet Ponnapa |
Mid-Week Teaching Session
Target Audience
Anyone who wishes to take a break from day-to- day tasks to re-center on God's Word
1 to 3 hours/Periodical
Lecture style/interactive
1 Corinthians Sermon Series (Aug-Nov 2023)
Life Lessons in Hard Times From the Book of Ruth by Rev Benjamin Lee
Come & See: Meeting Jesus in John's Gospel (Chap 1-3) by Rev David Ho
The Last 3 Things by Rev Stanley Chua
Ecclesiastes Overview by Rev Raymond Fong
Worldviews by Rev Raymond Fong
Real-World Discipleship by Pastor Benny Ho
Christians In The Changing Marketplace
Overview on Romans
Predestination and Free Will
The Place of Israel In God's Plan of Salvation
Overview of Nehemiah
Lessons from Ancient Israel
Ministry work is using whatever God has gifted us to serve Him and others in our community. God wants us to use the gifts that He has given us to build up His Body and fulfil the needs in His Church Family.
Let’s be His priests (Rev 1:6) and serve in God’s Kingdom… but if you don’t know Where and What can you do...
SHAPE helps participants find matching areas of service through the discovery of their Spiritual gifts, Heart, Ability, Personality and Experience.
This course is made up of three parts:
Part 1: | Complete and submit an essential pre-course homework. |
Part 2: | Attend a three-hour class |
Part 3: | Attend an interview session where a SHAPE interviewer will help to interpret your SHAPE results and recommend areas for you to exercise your spiritual gifts. Various interview time slots will be made available for you to select during the class. |
For more information, please email
Prayer Walk @ Fort Canning
Prayer Walk @ Fort Canning is a self-guided prayer walk that can be done by yourself at any time of the day.
This walk is an opportunity for us to combine appreciation of the flora and fauna of God’s creation with intercession for the needs of our nation.
There will be a total of 10 stations in this prayer walk and the entire duration of the prayer walk will take 45 minutes to an hour walking in a contemplative pace.
Strangely Warmed Retreat:
Do you hope to experience God more deeply?
Do you need a breakthrough in your life?
Does your career, direction of life, family life need rebooting or recharging?
This retreat is for each person to encounter God intimately based on our Wesley Discipleship Model (WDM) through spiritual practices such as heartfelt worship, practical messages, unhurried solitude and honest friendship.
Strangely Warmed Retreat will be the place for you to find those connections.
Our leaders and Church members will share at the plenary sessions at the retreat. We will also have separate sessions for men and women and learn more about Spiritual Disciplines like Lectio Divina and Examen. Retreatants will have opportunities for spiritual disciplines/solitude and sharing, reflections and learning in a relaxed and safe space.
Come listen to the experiences of our friends, and share the real issues we face in life every day with our Wesleyan brothers and sisters.
Come renew your heart and be refreshed spiritually at the
Strangely Warmed Retreat (SWR) 2025
Run # | Strangely Warmed Retreat Dates (2025) | Registration opens on: |
7th Run | 21 – 23 March 2025 (Fri – Sun) | 22 December 2024 |
8th Run | 11 – 13 September 2025 (Thu – Sat) | 22 June 2025 |
9th Run | 4 – 6 December 2025 (Thu – Sat) | 7 September 2025 (To be confirmed) |
Village Hotel Changi
1 Netheravon Road,
Singapore 508502
Retreat Fees for Wesleyans: $345 (Twin Sharing) and $515 (Single Occupancy)
(Please note that the retreat fees cover accommodation and all meals, 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners)
Registration for September 2025 SWR will be opened on22 June 2025.Sign up at http://www.wesley.sg/IDR(Registration will close on 20 July 2025 or when all places are filled)
Frequently Asked Questions
It will be held from 11 - 13 September 2025, at Village Hotel Changi, 1 Netheravon Road, Singapore 508502
Participants will have to attend a mandatory retreat briefing on 23 August 2025, (afternoon) at Wesley Methodist Church.