Announcements & Updates

Pastoral Cover Note on the Official Response to the Announcement on the Repeal of Section 377A


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22 August 2022


Dear Wesleyans,

Pastoral Cover Note on the Official Response to the Announcement on the Repeal of Section 377A

You may have heard PM Lee announce at the National Day Rally on 21 August 2022 that the Singapore Government intends to repeal S377A and strengthen the current definition of marriage in the constitution.

You may refer to the official responses to this announcement from the National Council of Churches of Singapore and the Methodist Church in Singapore, both of which Wesley MC are part of.

Official Responses

  1. National Council of Churches of Singapore
    NCCS - The National Council of Churches of Singapore Response to Government’s Decision on the Repeal of Section 377A
  2. Methodist Church in Singapore
    MCS Response to the Repeal of S377A of the Penal Code

Within our church, we have a variety of concerns surrounding this issue, and I intend to address them in due course.

In the meantime, these statements outline concerns and principles that Christians may find instructive in our response to this issue. I urge you to read and consider the points raised in both of them.

Above all, I encourage you to pray, seek and listen to God on this matter. Let us always show God's love in our interactions with one another.

Praying with you,

Rev Raymond Fong


For further reading


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