Nehemiah Wall Building Project

Dear Wesley Family,

As part of the Nehemiah series, this is a wall-building exercise for the whole church!

1 Peter 2:4-6 reminds us that we are all "living stones" built together into a “spiritual house” with Christ as our chief cornerstone. Each of us – whether big or small, young or old – are chosen by God and precious to Him.

This "wall" will capture what we would like to "build" in our homes and workplaces so that we may glorify God and love others as His faithful disciples. 

Therefore, we will use brick-stickers to represent what we would like to build and offer to the Lord as a family unit, small group or an individual as our acts of worship, surrender and commitment to our good and faithful God.  

We recommend bringing the brick-sticker home to pray and discern together as a family, small group, or by yourself. 

You may use words, drawings or stickers to represent what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you. Additionally, you may also write a Bible verse that is meaningful for you (and your family or small group).

Let's build for the Lord together!

Project Instructions:

  1. Collect Brick-Sticker on 17-18 August / 24-25 August from the booth (Atrium).
  2. Bring the Brick-Sticker home to pray and discern what God is asking you or you & your family, or small group to offer to Him as an “acceptable spiritual offering,” e.g. your talents, your time, your prayers, or your wealth. You are encouraged to use this prayer liturgy:
    (Return to this page after prayer)
  3. Write or draw on the Brick-Sticker. You should have ONE Brick-Sticker per family, small group or individual. Example of our brick-stickers:

    Each individual, family or small group can DECORATE their Brick-Sticker with words, stickers, drawings or instax photograph etc. which represents the gift(s) you bring to this world. Sign off with your name, family name or pseudonym.

    An example of decorated brick-stickers:

  4. Bring the Brick-sticker back to church to put it up on either of our 2 walls at the Atrium and the Courtyard. Build as you would do so for a real wall - continue from existing wall and adjoining other brick-stickers!
  5. Wall building will continue until 8 September.

Thank you for taking the time to build with us! We hope this exercise has been a blessing to you and yours.

God bless!

© 2020 Wesley Methodist Church