Wesley Connects!
Come check out where all our Small Groups are meeting all over Singapore!
Directions on how to navigate the map
Each pin that you see here represents the meeting location of a Small Group. The number you see within each pin represents the zone that they belong to.
When you click on a pin, you can view the name of the Small Group, the date and time of their meeting. You can even see photos and videos of some of the Small Group meetings and events!
Looking for your Small Group?
You can search for your Small Group using the search function at the left side of the map, and your Small Group pin will immediately pop up.
At the bottom of the page, you can view each zone or a selection of a few zones if you want by selecting the zones accordingly.
Fun Fact!
A zone is not a geographical zone, but a means to help organise the 260+ Small Groups we have in church!
Here are some ideas for you (or your small group) in using the map:
- Look for the 3 closest small groups to your own small group’s pin. Do you know anyone in those groups? Pray for those groups have a God-filled spiritual life as a family of God.
- Using the zone-finder at the bottom of the page, look at the other small groups in your zone. Pray for:
- the zone leaders and core leadership team, that they will continue to grow in ministry as they minister to the various small groups in your zone.
- all the small groups in your zone, for everyone to be blessed as they journey alongside each other in their lives.
- Do you know the name of another friend’s small group? Look up their small group on the map, and pray for them.